Embody Your Magic

We are going through a time of massive transformation. Identities are shifting and crumbling. Energetic structures are more malleable and flexible than they have been. Old structures that were built on greed, separation, hierarchy, competition, and scarcity are crumbling. And yet, amidst the turmoil lie profound opportunities for positive change.

I want you to take a moment to imagine exactly where we could end up. Imagine the future that we could create. It is a future based on cooperation, abundance, safety, sovereignty, respect, deep love for our Selves, each other, and our World: a world based on divine union energetics, held in balance. A “Golden Age.”

This future doesn’t just happen, it is created. WE create this world, through our conduct, through healing our wounds of separation, through unbecoming everything that a toxic society has taught us to be, and through the embodiment of our own soul essence here on earth. Our natural state truly is already in alignment with Golden Age energetics. We are already whole. We are already an embodiment of light and love. All we have to do is heal and integrate that which is in the way of our full embodiment.

This is what I work with. I am a coach. I help people to embody their wholeness here on earth, through somatic integration, rewiring neural pathways, somato-emotional release and healing their relationship to Self, and to Other. I help people create a life that is in alignment with the future they desire. A life of abundant love and resources. A life that is in partnership with Soul, with Spirit, with the cyclical flow of nature. A life that is inherently oriented towards safety and connection in the body.

I see there being two parts to this. First, there is the deep healing that we engage in because our wounds and hurts desire healing. The body seeks to be whole but doesn’t always know how to do that.  

The second part arises naturally from the first. As we heal ourselves, we heal the collective. As we shift somatically and discharge stuck energy, we become an anchor point of light that lifts the collective. We have removed ourselves from the energetic gravity that the wounds of the collective hold. As more and more people do the same, the collective wounds lose critical mass. The gravitational pull starts to move in the other direction. Suddenly more and more people are healing, embodying wholeness, and stepping forward in harmony. And the more people who do, the easier it gets. The energetic pathway towards wholeness becomes well worn, and healing begins to happen exponentially faster as the balance shifts.

Understandably, choosing to partake in this work is daunting. We are creating the foundation for a world that none of us have experienced. We intimately know what it feels like to be scared, to feel like we will never have enough, that we are unsupported and have to fight our way to the top. We know what it feels like to struggle. So how do we create a world that is different, one that we have no context for?

This is where leadership comes in. 

We are the ones creating the world we live in. Not only through our actions, but through our energetic embodiment. Through being what we believe. Being the change we wish to see in the world, regardless of what we see around us. Regardless of the violence and greed and distrust. Regardless of how unsafe it feels. 

If we wait for the world to change first, we’re going to be waiting forever. 

But if we become the version of us that lives in the Golden Age, then we create the Golden Age. Our embodied transmission changes the world around us and weaves an energetic web of information for others to follow. 

Not just through action, although that is a necessary step, but through our beingness. 

For instance, I have always had difficulty connecting to my age group. I felt that the vast majority of people in the world don’t speak the same language as I do and are draining to spend time with. A few months ago, I realized that because of this belief, I was creating a world based on scarcity and judgment. This was not the world I wanted to live in. I wanted to live in a world where I found deep soul connections easily and effortlessly. So, I chose to restructure my experience. I decided that I was “a woman who was surrounded by the most magical people in the world”. I went through my day, not only repeating this mantra, but embodying the energy of it as well. If I truly were surrounded by the most magical people in the world, what would it feel like? How would I move, or speak, or act? What else would I believe?

I continued this embodiment for a few days, mildly expecting that I might stumble upon new soul connections or be invited to a gathering of like-minded individuals, but something else happened that I wasn’t expecting. One day, I looked around at the people I worked with, and I saw magic. I saw that I was indeed surrounded by the most magical people on the planet, and they had always been there. There was magic alive in all of us. And with this awakened vision, I invested my energy into connecting to them. Their energy responded to my openness, and suddenly I was having deep conversations and meetings of the heart with people that I had previously discounted. 

This is how we lead ourselves. I choose to believe that I am surrounded by magical people, and therefore I do the work to embody it in my being, no matter what. When I feel the energy of judgment, contempt, or separation come up, I listen to it, feel it fully, and do the somatic work necessary to move it through my body, something I teach my clients to do. Then I choose to experience a different reality. Again and again and again. 

We lead ourselves to the Golden Age, through creating an internal ecology of thriving, through choosing to experience and create the world of our dreams, not in the future, but in this moment. We choose to believe that our wholeness matters. We choose to believe we are infinitely supported. We choose to embody more and more of our soul here on earth, even the parts of our being that we have been taught are shameful or unwelcome. We choose to lead, and the world follows.

We know that our magic lies in our wholeness, and we know that our magic is exactly what the world needs right now. Our voice matters. Our actions matter. Our being matters.

And by choosing how we “Be”, we become.

We become one who leads the way. We create a new paradigm.

We do not embody our magic or our leadership by welcoming one part of ourselves while cutting off another. That has been the theme for thousands of years. Now, we are creating an age where all of us, in our wholeness, are not only welcome but required.