David's Desk #205: Finale

The time has come for me to write my final David’s Desk. You may have noticed that the most recent David Desk essays were reruns from the archives of past issues. I was ill most of last fall and this spring dealing with bladder cancer. The pain made working difficult, and I was unable to write a new essay every month. This culminated in a recent eleven-hour surgery to remove the damaged organ and reconstruct my urinary tract. All is very much better now—I’m pain-free for the first time in months—but I have a road of recovery ahead of me which will require much of my energy and focus.

So, I have decided to bring David’s Desk to a close. It’s been a good 16-year run, far beyond anything I expected when I started. Its success has been due to your continued interest and support, for which I am most grateful. It’s been a privilege to share my ideas with you.

This will not be the last you’ll hear from me. When I have something to say in the future, I’ll find a way to say it through Lorian’s mailing list, perhaps in a blog or a newsletter article. I’m just setting aside the expectation of having to come up with something new to write every month while I concentrate on healing.

If there has been a theme running through David’s Desk all these years, it has been an affirmation and celebration of the spirituality of ordinary physical life and the fact that each of us is an expression of a sacred spirit. Incarnation is not exile from a “true home” but an expansion of our spirit to embrace and engage the wholeness of the world. 

Each of us has a capacity to bring Light into the world. Sometimes this can have a dramatic effect, and we can see the difference it makes. But usually the effect of our Light is cumulative, the result of uncounted moments of grace, of joy, of appreciation, of courage, and of love. It is these simple everyday blessings of kindness that fill the world with Light and over time and space, make a difference.

I like to think that David’s Desk has been a celebration of YOU and a reminder of your identity as a source of Light in the world. In these challenging times, it’s easy to forget this, but when we do remember, we bring wholeness to our lives and to our world. This, to me, is what spirituality is all about. It is the essence of fiery hope.

Thank you again for sharing this journey with me.
