Becoming the Asking

I had an interesting conversation recently with someone who has taken many of our Incarnational Spirituality classes. Responding to something I had said about puzzling my own way into understanding subtle energies, she asked:

How do you know what to write when responding to your students in the Core classes? That, my dear, is your intuition and your greatest gift. You may think you do not see things, or hear things, but you KNOW things. I can go on and on but I think you know my point.

I responded:

Great question, thank you!!!  Um, yes, I agree, I KNOW things. 

And – I have found that how I discover what I know is to hold the person or the question or the issue or the tangle in my heart, in my body, and pause in stillness, to notice what comes to my awareness.  

Here's the key, for me: I feel I am **becoming** the person or the animal or the tree or the idea, in my Deep Imagination. And then, I hold the intention to notice what I know.  

A current example: I do this with my cat, and my new cat – I just adopted another rescue cat! In fact I am doing a *lot* of this with my two cats because my original witch’s-familiar power-cat Onyx is aghast that I have brought another cat into his midst. And Sophie, the new cat, is just a sweet little love-everybody shy presence. But she can hold her own. This is not an easy transition! It has been a little noisy…I have kept them separate, and I will continue to tune into the timing that the situation requires.

So I am *becoming* each of them often, to see how they are with this huge shift in their lives, and what they need, and I am learning how to be in response.

When I am responding to someone in my class, it is somewhat similar. I feel that I become the question, I become the asking. And then in a way I become the person asking the question. Somewhere in my deep imagination then, the space around the issue deepens and expands, and the answering seems to flow from that space. I feel this as a sensation in my chest. I can feel the rightness, or almost-rightness, in it. And I am guided a lot then by the other person's response.  

Or, it is sort of like the “words for the answering” light up, and now I can see them and feel them. I know when something is true. And when it is not, or not quite.  

So when a class participant asks a question, I don't KNOW what to write in a response, but in this becoming of the question or person, and feeling that in my body, a lot of times I *discover* what I know, or discover how to say what I know *as it comes alive* in me. 

I am just tending to the feeling of the asker and the asking, and trusting that the knowing or the answering will rise in me. Something always comes. Often it is a hint of a direction to turn my attention toward.

I have a lot of faith in the knowing that comes that way for me. Whether it is "true," (beyond being true for me), is another question.  

It would be a lot easier (but maybe not as much fun!) if there was a large Presence inside giving me the answers that I would just repeat!

Editor’s note: Rue’s Subtle Energies II class begins September 5. Click here for more info