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Subtle Energies II: Applied Practicum

Standing in Partnership

with a Living Universe

with Rue Hass

Learn how to stand as a strong and creative partner shaping wholeness in the world


september 5 - october 2

Subtle Energies II is part of Lorian’s Core Class Series.

Prerequisite: Working with Subtle Energies I

The Earth is a whole ecology blending both physical and non-physical dimensions. Let’s join together to learn how to uphold this innate planetary wholeness. This is especially important now as we are challenged in so many ways with forces of disintegration and destruction.

Working with subtle energies, partnering with subtle allies, doing subtle energy hygiene, manifestation, and subtle activism: these are all tools and ways in which we can participate in a Gaian planetary system that needs our help now on both physical and non-physical levels.

To do so, we are learning how to stand whole in ourselves as a strong and creative presence of love and connection — and joy! Let’s unpack and explore the deep mysteries together, and help to generate and ground a new vision of our world. Let’s bring our future alive now.

From Rue: I want to bring in a new concept that will help us deepen into understanding and working with subtle energies.  For the above video, I am reading part of a transcript of a talk that David Spangler gave in Lorian’s year long program, Stewards of Light. He is describing the complexity of relationship and interaction that takes place in the subtle environment.  He calls it the Subtle Commons. The Commons is a shared environment, or an environment shared by all for the good of all.  And they're always inviting us to participate in it with them.

I want to explore this concept in our class. You will choose a particular area that you know well--your garden, a nature area that you love, a place where you interact with a "variety of different beings, different points of intelligence, different functions being performed, who all feel part of a larger wholeness.” 

As you listen to the recording of me reading David’s good words, be thinking of some Subtle Commons in your own life through these images.  We will share our discoveries, learn from each others’ experience in the class.

From David Spangler-

The first premise is that we are continually immersed in a living field of creative energy which configures to the patterns formed by our subtle energy field (or subtle bodies) much like a flowing river configures to the shape of a boulder lying in the river bed. This configuring can affect the probability of synchronistic events occurring as the world’s energy seeks to replicate the information, the connections, and the patterns formed in our own personal subtle field.

The second premise is that all subtle energy is malleable and susceptible to being shaped by thought and feeling. This gives us a tool to use in doing the art of manifestation. By shaping our subtle field, we have a way of shaping the world field that surrounds us.

Class Description

Standing in Partnership is about exploring your own natural subtle language in order to establish a stronger personal connection with our world. This is a practicum that invites you to deepen your unique connections into action, applying the skills learned in Subtle Energies I  to an interactive relationship with something that really interests you.

Choosing your own project to explore during the class, you will use exercises from the book, Working with Subtle Energies, and also develop your own practices to befriend and work with subtle energies. We will come together to report our practice experiences in online discussion on the class site as well as meet together for four live (and recorded) group sessions.

Our focus is on integrating theory into lived experience. It is also the key to engaging the subtle dimension of life safely and effectively.

This practice-oriented format directs your discovery in three main areas:

  • Awareness and noticing – Deepen your understanding of the way the world speaks to you and how you are oriented to hear it. 

  • Boundaries – Engage personally with subtle fields in purposeful, grounded, and creative ways to share what you know

  • Interpretation – We know so much more than we are aware of. Develop your ability to come into new awareness, integrate and share your experiences.  The Earth needs us now!

The book, Working with Subtle Energies by David Spangler is available in PDF format in the class. Print books are available in the Bookstore.

class Format

SUBTLE ENERGIES II will be held on our online education site,, powered by Ruzuku, where participants have access to the online discussion and materials 24/7 through their ongoing Learning Library on the Lorian website.

Course includes:

  • Four live webinar sessions:

Saturdays – September 7, 14, 21, 28 @ 9:00 AM Pacific

  • Weekly practice with exercises

  • Downloadable written presentation of exercises

  • Opportunity for facilitated online discussion, questions and answers

  • Ongoing archive of all recorded talks and class material

You will deepen your knowledge, and your presence will contribute to the body of understanding in the class. It is a win all around!

Lorian Covenant of Confidentiality

Please Note: Your registration in a Lorian class confirms your commitment to uphold Agreements of Confidentiality and mutual respect which govern the spirit, the intent, and the practice of our education experience together.

Click here to read Lorian’s Covenant of Confidentiality

Registration $200

Please Note: Subtle Energies I is a prerequisite for Subtle Energies II. If you haven’t yet taken Subtle Energies I, it will be offered again in 2025.

If you have recently completed the WWSE I prerequisite, please register below.

Scholarships and repeat class discounts are available. Please contact if you are interested in either of these options.


The Lorian Core Class Series has been designed and crafted over several years of experience to help a person understand their own subtle nature and to develop a core inner strength of identity and love. 

Learning these principles alone will enhance your relationship to yourself and to the world around you, allowing you to stand strong and be of service in these changing and chaotic times. 

Core Classes are also meant to train you in the principles and practices of energetic fitness that allow one to safely partner with subtle beings and to help mediate specific subtle energies into the world as acts of service.

The Lorian Core Series classes build upon each other. We recommend taking these classes in the order below:

  • Journey into Fire I & II with Julia Spangler

  • Our Sacred Body with Maryn Spangler

  • Subtle Energies I & II with Rue Hass

  • Practical Magic with Rue Hass

  • Natural Alliances Paradigm with Jeremy Berg (above Core Classes are prerequisites)

Class Facilitator: Rue Hass

Rue Hass, MA is a Spiritual Life Path Coach and Intuitive Mentor and author. Her background includes university teaching, broad, deep training in psycho-spiritual philosophy, NLP, energy psychology, and the graduate school of motherhood. Emerging from the social/political action of the 1960s-70s in Chicago, she lived in the Findhorn spiritual community in Scotland from 1974-1981. She was ordained as a Lorian minister/priest in 2011. 

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