Exploring Subtle Energies, Translating the Earth

Exploring subtle energy feels like a kind of listening curiosity that helps me to create a quiet spaciousness around me. I can rest there and allow myself to become aware of the subtle signals in my energy field as it touches the world around me–a tree, a body of water, a building, an event, a person. I can feel the wonder and magic of a discovery process beginning in me. I am holding whatever is in my attention and waiting for a translation to emerge into my awareness–the world speaking to me.

Musing about how a good translator works….They hear and feel into what the other person is saying, not just the literal words but the felt sense of meaning in the communication. They must somehow stand in the words and presence of the person whose words and intention they are translating. They pause briefly within. The inner feeling of meaning shapes itself into a message in words that the other person can hear, feel, and understand. 

Sign language is an even more interesting example of translation. Our bodies are a bridge for information to flow across, into, and through, transforming as we come to our senses.

We live in a sea of communication from everything around us all the time. I love the growing awareness of my body opening to this constant flow of information. First, I am feeling the physical sensations that I am receiving through my senses. Then I am dropping down inside and inviting a flow into a sense of meaning.

In this quiet spaciousness inside, I feel myself standing on my inner land. I can feel the sensations of the language of the world in my subtle field before it becomes a sensory impression in my consciousness.

Recently I heard someone describe her friend’s supportive comment as 'a warm gentle open hand on my upper back.' So nice! When I feel into this sensation, I sense that it brings me to a deep, stable sense of inner awareness that I have come to know as my “inner land.” It feels inclusive, acknowledging, and welcoming, encouraging me to move forward at my own pace. These are the words that come to me to translate that lovely feeling.

Subtle perception is like having an internal GPS. The more conscious I can become of how my subtle perception works and what it is noticing, the better I will be in making life choices, choosing directions, and meeting the world from a place of standing in what I care about. 

Our Working With Subtle Energies class here is an invitation, a permission, an encouragement to each of us to find our own subtle perception style.

We are learning to understand how the world speaks to us through the “We Space” of our subtle energy field.

This is surely the message of the earth to us: Gaia placing a warm gentle open hand on our backs.

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