
Standing in Your Light: Sovereignty
Exercises David Spangler Exercises David Spangler

Standing in Your Light: Sovereignty

When we stand in our sovereignty, we tap into our strength and our ability to meet the challenges of life. How may we stand, not only in our own sovereignty but in a way that draws forth and empowers the sacred sovereignty of the world around us and all within it?

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Standing in Your Light: Joy Refining
Exercises David Spangler Exercises David Spangler

Standing in Your Light: Joy Refining

In this exercise, you’re taking the bits of joy you’ve been mining and refining them into a shining presence within you that you can offer back to the world.

Central to this idea is the realization that you, like every other being and object on earth, are immersed and embedded in the living energy field of the Soul of the World. What becomes part of your personal energy field by induction flows out to become part of the field of the World. In this way we all radiate energy into a common pool which we all share.

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March 2025 Equinox Festival: Balance and Resilience in Turbulent Times
Gaian Festivals Freya Secrest Gaian Festivals Freya Secrest

March 2025 Equinox Festival: Balance and Resilience in Turbulent Times

Festivals are a time of celebration, a time when humankind honors Gaia’s essential energies in its dance through the seasons of the year. When we celebrate winter’s deep renewing silence or the vitality of summer’s growth, we touch into energies that can open spaciousness or uplift and renew us. Celebrating Nature’s seasonal energies also connects us with valuable resources we can draw upon to meet the turbulence of daily life and current human affairs.

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Standing In Your Light: Joy Mining
Exercises David Spangler Exercises David Spangler

Standing In Your Light: Joy Mining

So the heart of Joy Mining is paying attention to moments of happiness, lightness, pleasure, and all-around OK-ness when they happen to us, even if they seem like small pleasures indeed. By paying attention, you are sensitizing yourself to this heightening energy. Further, it helps you realize that for you to pass on joy into the world, you don't have to be in a crazy state of ecstatic happiness yourself. Though I can say from my own experience, as you practice this, the sense of being in the midst of joy gets progressively stronger until it can truly lead to moments of bliss and ecstasy in the midst of ordinary life.

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The Whispers of Inner Truth
Lorian Blog Maryn Spangler Lorian Blog Maryn Spangler

The Whispers of Inner Truth

I trust my body's innate wisdom to guide the way forward. My body knows what is needed. My body knows truth. In each moment of pain or despair, I look for signs of "breaking open" rather than "breaking apart." With tender anticipation, I'm making space for whatever version of myself is about to be born.

This era calls for unprecedented courage — the bravery to feel the truth within us and let it reshape our selves and our world. Let's walk this path of transformation together, guided by the profound wisdom of our sacred bodies.

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What Can I Do?
David's Essays David Spangler David's Essays David Spangler

What Can I Do?

When I tune into the subtle realms, it's like a radio with various frequencies. Some channels overflow with healthy life and blessing. In these frequencies, life flows in service to all beings. Yes, there are also frequencies filled with pain and obstruction, largely emanating from human behavior. It’s not a matter of choosing one over the other but of attuning to one in order to bring healing to the other.

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Metanoia Rising
Lorian Blog Maria A. Todisco Lorian Blog Maria A. Todisco

Metanoia Rising

Every leap in consciousness requires a leap in faith. Presumably, some long ago prehistoric ancestors lifted glowing embers from burning trees ignited from lightning strikes or volcanic emissions and carried the torch back to the tribe, creating, in a great leap of consciousness, a hearth, which revolutionized and stabilized the centralization of the home.

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The Light Bank
David's Essays David Spangler David's Essays David Spangler

The Light Bank

Consciously or unconsciously, we all participate in the subtle dimension of the world. When we are aware of this as a reality in our lives, we discover we have the ability, through thought, feeling, imagination, and embodiment, to create a field of energy around ourselves that can hold a spiritual quality such as love, peace, courage, compassion, and the like

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“Sanctuaries of Stillness at Solstice
Lorian Community Lorian Community

“Sanctuaries of Stillness at Solstice

We are sharing some of the treasures we have experienced in the previous posts in “Sanctuary of Stillness” moments in our lives. Lucinda’s captures the mystery of a winter’s night, and Linda’s the gift of a summer’s day. Freya’s offers us a rich reflection on the quality of “Stillness.”

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Twelfth Night - A Winter’s Tale
Gaian Festivals Lucinda Herring Gaian Festivals Lucinda Herring

Twelfth Night - A Winter’s Tale

The forest around me was utterly still. No wind stirred the bare winter branches or rustled the fallen leaves. No bird called; no animal crept through the shadows. I gazed out into the woods surrounding the cabin and was startled to see that the forest was beginning to glow with an unearthly light. I searched for the moon above the treetops, as the logical source of the sylvan glow, but then remembered that the moon was new and dark. I could see a myriad of stars through the trees – sparkling like diamonds in the crystal-clear sky, but their radiance could not account for the growing light around me.

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