What Is
Incarnational Spirituality is a declaration of the value, purpose and sacredness inherent in the act of incarnation.
Incarnational Spirituality (known as I.S.) is an affirmation that our human life on Earth is not an exile or a journey away from our true home in spirit.
There is nothing lost when we incarnate - quite the opposite! To be incarnate is to be a source of spiritual radiance and love through the medium of physicality, not in spite of it.
Rediscovering and experiencing the sacredness of our incarnation is the foundation stone of Incarnational Spirituality.
Incarnational Spirituality celebrates what it is to be human; all our quirks and edges, our unique personalities, and our full-spectrum experience of life. Each aspect of our Self and our experience is seen as an important part of the whole, part of the creative expression of the soul in relationship to the world around it.
To be human is to be a unique and individuated embodiment of the Sacred, expressed physically, energetically, and spiritually. To be human is to have gifts to offer the world.
I.S. is an invitation to integrate and love all our parts; to stand in the light of our sacred personhood; to embrace our Sovereignty, and to embody our creative brilliance.
You Are Sacred
Differences Are Sacred
Incarnational Spirituality embraces the value of plurality; the value of differences, individuality and the boundaries that define us, as well as the creative power that arises from them.
Everything that incarnates is unique unto itself. Our differences are not to be seen as a problem, but to be celebrated and honored. It is through difference that creation is possible. It is through difference that ecologies thrive.
Incarnational Spirituality celebrates the emergence of the Sacred through the boundaries and differences that define us, and where they meet the world.
Where two boundaries meet, there lies the power of creative emergence.
You Are a Co-Creative Partner
Incarnational Spirituality is a recognition that the foundational order of the world is symbiotic by nature. At the heart of everything is partnership. To be alive is to be interconnected, interdependent and co-creative.
Learning to honor our world’s foundational system of interconnection and lovingly partner with all within it is at the heart of I.S. We approach the world around us with the intention to be an equal participant, a partner and a co-creator.
Incarnational Spirituality embraces the creative emergence that takes place when two or more come together, in partnership, in love, and in collaboration.
Expand Your Eco-System
Our world is more than just the physical environment around us.
We live in a multidimensional world, one with physical, imaginal, energetic, and spiritual ecosystems. In Incarnational Spirituality, none of these realms are more valuable or more real than the others. There is no hierarchy of sacredness. They are all an important and valuable part of our reality and our world, and are viewed through an ecological lens.
Incarnational Spirituality offers tools and practices to engage with our expanded ecologies and the living universe around us - to coexist, partner, and thrive together!
You Are Love in Action
Incarnation is an act of love; the love of the Sacred for all that is; the love of the soul for the world it is becoming part of and for the physical self it is becoming.
Incarnational Spirituality is an invitation to stand in that love of the soul; to embody it, amplify it, and to become a source for that love to flow out into the world.
It is through this loving that we bring blessing, clarity, unity, and wholeness to our world.