Self Directed Studies
Journey Into Fire
Tools for the Journey
For most of us, Nature does not speak through words, it speaks through its beauty, its power, its coherence and its creativity. It speaks by demonstrating the fruitfulness of relationship. To learn to unlock the wisdom of Nature and of our own creativity, we can strengthen our ways of connecting with the world and each other through the energies of love. It is through our alignment in love that we can know a relationship with the soul intelligence of Nature and together co-create a more whole world.
This Self-Directed Study is an exploration of our capacity to connect with the world we inhabit in daily, creative, loving ways. You will gain an awareness of Nature as a dynamic, living Intelligence and discover the possibility of a creative relationship with the natural world around you. And you will bring your loving presence to meet the challenges of these changing times with new capacity that can lead to a more whole future for all life.
Co-Creating with Nature: Lessons in Love from the Deva Kingdom is an exploration of how to partner with the soul intelligence of the natural world in your own garden and life. This study offers a step-by-step approach with readings, guided audio meditations and practices of connection with the nature around you to help to bring you into communion with the inner intelligence of nature. It draws on Dorothy Maclean’s Deva messages and other stories of personal connective experience to inspire possibilities in your own exploration. You will be supported to connect with the roots of love within all creation, to deepen your capacity to be a generative source of lovingness and recognize how you can creatively contribute as a partner in your garden and in your life.
The study includes seven lessons accessed through your Lorian Library online. The study resources are delivered over the course of three weeks and are available to you for review and ongoing reference in your individual Learning Library. Every three days you will receive an email with a link to new readings, guided audio exercises and suggested activities for practice. In addition, there are questions to guide your reflection and journaling in order to deepen your engagement with the material. Weekly responses from your guide, Freya Secrest will be given for any questions or comments posted online. Study includes:
• Inspiration from Deva readings
• Exercises with guided audio recordings
• Practices for daily attention and awareness
You are invited to step more deeply into your partnership with the living intelligence of nature.
Course Cost $ 60.00
Co-Creating with Nature
Lessons in Love from the Devic Kingdom
For most of us, spirituality is something that is divorced from our everyday lives. It can be relegated to a deep unspoken place in the inner recesses of our minds and hearts. It might be brought out for holidays, or for those sacred days decreed by a tradition. But what about the rest of the days of the year? What about the spirit which lives and breathes at the center of ourselves?
This Self-Directed Study is an exploration of what is at the heart of incarnation. Everything else that Incarnational Spirituality has to offer stems from this one reality, that you are a sacred being in embodiment and your physical world self is as sacred and as valued as the non-physical, transcendent aspects of yourself.
Journey Into Fire: Tools for the Journey engages you in practical ways to engage with the sacredness of your everyday self and everyday life. Drawing on the book, Journey Into Fire, by David and Julia Spangler as your launch pad, this self-study will guide you, at your own pace, in an exploration of the nature of that sacredness and how it is expressed within your everyday life.
This study takes a step-by-step approach with readings, guided audio exercises and meditations to practice that open up a pathway helping to bring your everyday self into communion with the inherent sacredness that is the source of all life. You will be supported to deepen into that inherent sacredness, discover how you stand within it, and recognize how it weaves through your everyday life.
The study includes nine lessons accessed through your Lorian Library online. The study resources are delivered over the course of four weeks and are available to you for review and continued reference and practice ongoing in your individual Learning Library. Every three days over the study you will receive an email with a link to new readings, exercises and guided audio practices. The resource material includes a PDF copy of the book, Journey into Fire. In addition, there are questions to guide your reflection and journaling in order to deepen your engagement with the material.
Course Cost $ 60.00
Subtle Activism
Being an Agent of Wholeness in the World
Subtle Activism focuses our attention and intention to bless and empower wholeness in the world around us through a practice of participating in and partnering with a living universe. This third theme in Incarnational studies offers skills for contributing energetically to unfolding world relationships.
This Self-Directed Study draws on the Subtle Activism Card Deck by David Spangler to foster your active subtle connections and deepen your collaboration and impact as an agent of love in the world. You will learn to apply your creative energy in many different situations and bring your capacities of Presence, Partnership and Co-creativity forward in ways that contribute to a living, vital renewal of Gaian wholeness on the planet.
This course is an introduction to the Subtle Activism Card Deck by David Spangler with art by Jeremy Berg. The card deck outlines a process of attunement and connection that helps you to contribute your subtle energies and qualities in blessing and service to the world.
Using the step-by-step approach described through the card deck layout, you will focus your energetic contribution to local and planetary situations that you care about. This approach brings together your personal presence, the connections and allies that are available within your objective, and an attunement to the qualities and energies of subtle forces that can deepen your contribution.
Once familiar with the connections that the principles of subtle activism include, you may find yourself creating your own ways of using the deck and its principles in your daily life as an oracle or inspiration. The possibilities for interaction and discovery in subtle activism work are open to your creativity!
The study illustrates each step of working with the Subtle Activism Card Deck and includes videos outlining the card process, extra videos and reading materials describing how to use the deck, the PDF manual and access to an online synchronicity tool to allow you to use the deck virtually. All material is available On Demand upon registration, and is accessed through your individual Lorian Learning Library online which is available to you 24/7. Weekly responses from your guide, Freya Secrest, will be given for questions or comments posted online.
A hard copy of the Deck and Manual may be ordered through Amazon here. Study includes:
• PDF Card Deck Manual
• Virtual card deck synchronicity tool
• Video introductions of the card layout attunement by David Spangler and Jeremy Berg
• Guided audio of the core Presence attunement
• Background resources with essays, FAQs, guidance for taking up a Subtle Activism Project and an introduction to using the deck as an oracle.
Course Cost $ 60.00

“What I love about Lorian’s teachings is that they are empowering, practical, grounded in deep experience, and generously and honestly shared. The Journey into Fire Self Study weaves together the rich and mature work of Incarnational Spirituality and one’s own daily experiences. It has not only provided me with tools for endless exploration and discovery, but also made me recognize my personal note and power of engagement with Life.”