Exploratory Webinars

This webinar is a love letter to the times we find ourselves in — times of change and transition. Times of grief and loss. Times of love and delight. Let us gather and honor the wild unknown as we walk with it, reaffirming our sacred personhood and the power within us. This webinar will be part discussion, part ritual, as we weave a field of stability and blessing, not only for those of us present, but for the world as a whole.

This webinar is an introduction to discovery practices to help us learn how we can bring attention to our energy field through our subtle perception, stand in our own sacred sovereignty in partnership with the world, and make the choices that shape our lives and shape Life itself.

Rev up your creative juices and explore a process for aligning with the intrinsic creative pulse that is a part of life itself.

The Blessing of Light
For me, the dark days of winter are magical, times of feeling the life in the world drawn inward as an inbreath before moving back out into new growth. It is a time of nurturing the roots that grow and reach into the underground within us, and it is a time to remember that the light never goes away, but lives bright and alive within us.

Big Mysteries - Small Bites ~ 2 Sessions
Engaging the art and practice of Blessing is a rich service anyone can offer. The practice of blessing begins with an attitude of honor and appreciation. From that first step, your love can bloom and grow into a blessing relationship that is a gift and service to all and to the environment. As much as anything, it is your attitude to the things around you that can form—or dissolve—a blessing relationship.
Here are some of our favorite past webinars.

“Lorian’s philosophy is grounded. It celebrates the sacred in everything, including our embodied personality and the material world - our everyday experience of life on earth is understood to be important and to be as spiritual, as sacred, as anything else. The unique perspective that we each bring as sovereign individuals is respected and celebrated.”
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