Lorian Press Bookstore
Exploring an Incarnational Spirituality
and the Subtle Ecology We Inhabit
Incarnational Spirituality Books by David Spangler
This book is a basic introduction to Incarnational Spirituality. It describes a spirituality developed by David over 40 years working as a teacher in concert with inner colleagues and subtle realms. It includes several original exercises.
This is an introduction to Incarnational Spirituality: We are born into this world not as exiles from our "true home", not as students seeking to learn and then graduate to a better place, but as generative sources of life, Light, and sacredness.
This book chronicles sixty a modern mystic's experience of the subtle worlds of spirit. David Spangler shares his rich experience and wisdom gleaned from encountering Angels, Spiritual Forces, Inner Mentors, Elementals, our natural "second ecology".
This second book describes David's insights and experiences with the non-physical dimensions of the Earth. Subtle Worlds: An Explorer's Field Notes provides an overview of these non-physical dimensions.
Some people call it luck, coincidence or just plain magic. But what if you could create your own luck, make "coincidences" happen, even bring a few miracles into your daily life? David Spangler shows you how to do exactly that.
This book further elucidates David Spangler's Incarnational Spirituality and has philosophical and cosmological components, but its ultimate intent is a practical one - the application of those ideas in everyday life.
Within this anthology of writings and exercises by David Spangler you will find inspiration and actions that you can use to offer a palliative touch to yourself, to your immediate environment, and to our larger world.
“Techno-elementals” are subtle beings that align themselves with human technology and artifacts. It describes some of the effects the technological environment has on our humanity and dangers and opportunities that lie ahead.
Books by Dorothy Maclean
Chronicling Dorothy’s MacLean’s connection with the intelligence of nature, this book brings together most of her flower messages, true Seeds of Inspiration. It includes several B&W flower illustrations. Perfect for daily meditations.
Dorothy Maclean tells her story of co-founding the Findhorn Community in Scotland. Following her Devine inner contacts, she came to communicate with the devic or angelic realms that over-light all aspects of existence.
This book speaks to the heart of a living relationship between man and nature. Dorothy Maclean chronicles her interaction with the intelligence of trees and a call for support to accomplish their vital work. Forward by St. Barbe Baker.
This book includes 366 early messages, many previously unpublished, from Dorothy Maclean inspired from the God within. These followed from her contact with inner divinity in 1954. Dorothy is the artist for the cover and interior illustrations.
Lorian Card Decks
This Deck symbolically represents the process of the Soul's incarnation and the generic stages by which many things take form. The cards can serve as visual aids in assisting your inner attunements and spiritual practice.
Expanding on David’s earlier book "Everyday Miracles this deck and book gives access to the principles of shaping our personal and collective worlds. It is a valuable resource for anyone creating a fuller life for themselves and the world.
This card deck and manual emerged from David Spangler's and his non-physical colleagues to provide a tool to help facilitate contributing one’s subtle energies and qualities in blessing and service to the world at a time of need.
In 2011, David Spangler and Jeremy Berg experienced independent but related contacts with a group of Sidhe. Led by a Sidhe named Mariel, they were interested in promoting closer contact and collaboration with humanity.