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Big Mysteries - Small Bites ~ 2 Sessions

Big Mysteries - Small Bites
Exploring Blessing


Engaging the art and practice of Blessing is a rich service anyone can offer. The practice of blessing begins with an attitude of honor and appreciation. From that first step, your love can bloom and grow into a blessing relationship that is a gift and service to all and to the environment. As much as anything, it is your attitude to the things around you that can form—or dissolve—a blessing relationship.

Blessing is a simple and natural extension of a loving partnership. When you radiate a loving energy into your environment, you are enhancing the flow of vitality and life within yourself and the body of our world. You are a presence of empowerment just as the great planetary angels and Devas are presences of empowerment for the environments that they overlight.

“Engaging in a blessing partnership with your environment is the simplest, easiest form of partnering with spirit. Anyone can become an artisan of Blessing if they are willing to open their hearts and minds to the living world around them. — David Spangler

These two free webinars will help you bring the gift of blessing into your life through identifying the daily choices you can make to open your practice and artistry in Blessing. In these two webinars, we will explore:

- What is a Blessing? A blessing is not an award earned for especially good behavior or a gift given or received only by a special few. It is a gift that every person offers through their daily presence and life choices.

- Who can Bless? We each are a source of blessing whenever we allow our daily attention to shift from what we are doing to how we are doing it; when we move away from a narrow focus on end-gaining and put attention to building nurturing relationships that empower mutual goals. In this shift, we lean into our capacity to be Gaian-centric, one who builds the connections needed to complete the circuit of life energy that can heal the disconnects of our age.

- When are we a blessing? We are a blessing when we weave love into our everyday activities. We share blessings when we hold the things around us with our love and goodwill. We shape blessing relationships when we acknowledge the light and life in the world around us and know that life as a presence of Light in the world we share.

Big Mysteries, Small Bites are 90-minute webinar sessions with Freya Secrest focused on nurturing the small seeds of awareness and attention. These seeds, when planted and tended through our daily choices and activities, grow transformational changes in our world. You are invited to know yourself as one who can bless. 

Join us in these two Free Webinars - Thursdays, at 1:00 PM Pacific      

- November 21 – Blessings of Self – Light into Love: A practice of Self-Light

- December 5 – Blessings of Connection – Love into Belonging: A Practice of Kinship

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The audio recording will be posted here after the webinar.

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Presenter - Freya Secrest

Freya Secrest, MSD has worked with Lorian since its inception in 1974. First ordained by Lorian in 1984, she currently serves as the Community Commons Coordinator. She is a parent, educator, mentor, and grandmother who is passionate about exploring new attitudes and ways of relating with nature and each other that can shape a more interconnected world.

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December 12

The Blessing of Light