Sovereignty Walking

Sometime last year there was a question posted in the Gaian Commons, “How can I possibly be a presence for peace?” This intrigued me. After all, it seems like a lofty and worthy aspiration. It reminds me of an experience I had when I lived in Oregon. There was a monastery I would go to when I needed a retreat–when my work life became difficult, when I needed a place to be quiet and still. It was a beautiful environment with an ambience of calm, love, serenity, and peace. I discovered a little hidden garden that became a favorite spot to sit and reflect. There I found a sweet homemade ceramic plaque attached to a tree which read:

Keep your heart open and free.
Make time to dwell in silence.
Become a peaceful presence in the world.

I loved this. Every time I read it, I felt a wash of joy flow through my body. My muscles relaxed, my heart expanded, and I could sense a rightness, a meaning to life, a raison d’être. I took this saying back to work with me and posted it above my desk. And I wondered how I could become this peaceful presence. How could I bring the calm and serenity from the monastery back? How could I find that space inside myself separate from that physical place? How could I remember the feeling I had when I was in the hidden garden?

Fast forward a few years to my discovery of Lorian and Incarnational Spirituality. I began taking classes and practicing the exercises. Sovereignty is a fundamental principle in IS; by diving into this concept and with practice I began to get a sense of the core of my Self. I found that if I became off balance, or if situations and forces outside of me exerted their pressures, if I remembered my Sovereignty, I was able to find my center again. Sovereignty is an integral part of my morning practice now.

I still wanted to find this presence outside of my sanctuary, however. I wanted a way to remember it always. One day, on my walk, as I was noticing the beauty of the trees, gardens, and waters that surround my town, I suddenly remembered Sovereignty. As soon as the word entered my mind, I noticed my spine straighten, my stride becoming more fluid, and my perception of what was around me gently shifting. Things became more clear, crisp and bright. I thought to myself, “this is Sovereignty Walking”. It was more than my body walking, or even my consciousness walking. It was Sovereignty walking. I felt equal with the plants, houses, and birds. I realized that we all share Sovereignty and we are all part of a unified Wholeness. So when I entered my own Sovereignty, I entered the Sovereignty of all. And in this way, I became a presence for peace.

David's Desk 182 Life and Freedom

Back in the Seventies, I was visited by a mother and her teenage daughter who had become pregnant. They were debating whether to have an abortion. The boy who had gotten her pregnant was also a teenager and had neither the wisdom nor the desire to be a father The mother had been a single parent, and she didn’t want her daughter to go through that experience. The daughter herself was unsure what she wanted.

They came to me to see if I could contact the soul of the developing child and ask it what they should do. This was not something I usually did. When people came to me for advice on life-altering decisions, my standard response was to encourage them to use their own best judgment and not give the power of their agency away to someone else. In this case, however, I found myself almost immediately in touch with the child’s soul who asked that I convey a message to the young mother. I don’t remember the exact words anymore, but essentially it told her that it would abide by her decision but that if she accepted the challenge of motherhood, she would find that this soul was an old friend who would bring blessing into her life. I shared this communication with them, they thanked me, and then they left. I never heard from them again, and I had no idea what the young woman had decided to do.

Twenty years later, I had just finished a large public lecture and was talking informally with a small group who had listened to me. A lovely young woman came up to me and took my hand. She said, “You don’t know who I am, but twenty years ago, my mother came to you for advice on whether to have an abortion. You told her that the child’s soul said that it would bring blessing. I am that child, the soul that you spoke with, and I wanted to thank you. My mother and I have had a wonderful life together.”

This was a powerful moment, one I shall never forget. It was thrilling to see the woman that that soul had become. I was filled with gratitude that I had been able to make that contact at that time.

There have only been two other occasions when a pregnant woman has come to me to ask whether to have an abortion. In one instance I said that I had no inner contact one way or another and that she had to make up her own mind in consultation with her doctor. In the other case, though, as in the first, a soul immediately presented itself to me and said, “Please tell my mother that this pregnancy is out of timing. I got caught in an energetic vortex and should not be incarnating. She has my blessing if she wishes to terminate this pregnancy, though I shall abide by her choice.” I conveyed this message to the woman, who was relieved as she and her boyfriend had not intended to become pregnant and had thought they had taken protective measures…which obviously had failed.

Two pregnancies, and in one case, the soul wished to be born and in the other case, it didn’t. The point is that life is complex, especially when we take the subtle realms into account. In my experience, the beginning of an incarnation is when the soul connects in a permanent and intimate way with its physical form. But this can happen anytime along a continuum of development, making it problematic to say that this is the moment when that life begins. We know when the biological processes of body-formation and gestation begin, and we know their stages of development.

What a purely materialistic approach cannot tell us is when “soul impregnation” occurs. These biological processes can take place whether a soul is involved or not, though, past a certain point of fetal development, the magnetism of the physical organism will attract an ensouling presence. But just when this happens is not the same for every individual. We may say that life begins physically at conception, but in my experience, soul-life—or the ensouling of the fetus—does not necessarily happen then (though other soul-forces such as those of the mother or the father may be present supporting the embryo). I have encountered souls that were only very lightly connected to the form developing in the womb and who, as in the example I mentioned above, were not averse to its termination (which could happen anyway through miscarriage), and I’ve encountered souls that keenly desired incarnation and were engaged in the subtle formation of their body even before their parents actually had intercourse that would lead to conception.  

But knowledge of the subtle dimension of life and incarnation is rare in our society. We have medical knowledge, religious beliefs, an evaluation of our life situation, and a sense of the value and sanctity of life, and from this, we draw the wisdom we need as best we can.

We are witnessing a collision between two spiritual principles: the sanctity of freedom, especially the freedom to choose as well as the freedom to take responsibility for our choices, and the sanctity of life. Life requires freedom and freedom requires life. They are complements to each other. But in our society, we have turned them into adversaries. How we resolve this will determine how whole and healthy our society can become.

There is no question that our society—and humanity in general—needs a strong dose of what Albert Schweitzer called a “reverence for all life.” There are so many ways we celebrate death (or the threat of death) as a way to solve problems or to remove what we don’t like or what is different from us. When a politician claims he or she is pro-life and pro-gun, or a society celebrates saving babies while also celebrating arming adults so they can kill other adults, there is a contradiction here that would be ludicrous if it weren’t so tragic. Life is sacred. One can’t agree to this on the one hand and deny it on the other.

In a similar way, we need the freedom to shape our lives and to make our own decisions. A monoculture is a vulnerable ecology, one lacking resilience or a capacity to change as the world changes. It requires more energy to sustain because life moves towards diversity, not uniformity. When we restrict peoples’ right to make their own decisions, to be diverse in their individuality, we create human monocultures, and we weaken ourselves in the process. Life is harmed, not helped by diminishing an individual’s sovereignty and ability to make his or her decisions.

What must be added to this discussion is a third element, a third spiritual principle. This is the principle of limits. Life unchecked without limits devours itself and its environment; it becomes a cancer, and the result will be collapse and death. Freedom without limits is anarchy, a state in which we become less free because we become less responsible to the larger wholeness of which we are always a part. If I claim the freedom to pollute as I see fit, my environment will suffer, and I will suffer with it. A selfish freedom creates limits that make it no freedom at all.

There is no question that we are grappling with momentous questions and challenges as we move ahead in the twenty-first century. Our best chances, I believe, arise when we can honor the sanctity of life, the sanctity of freedom, and the sanctity of limits. This may seem paradoxical and even contradictory, but only because we are choosing one or the other of these and not seeing how they come together, as we must, in a larger wholeness.

Celebrating a Gaian Festival of Light, A Festival of Wholeness

It has been six months since we celebrated our first Gaian Festival of Light and Wholeness together in December of 2021. Lorian members of the Gaian Commons Community from both northern and southern hemispheres gathered on Zoom to honor the Winter and Summer Solstice together. We created Spirals of Light, either out in our gardens, or inside our homes on floors, tables or altars. In the northern hemisphere, our spirals were the traditional evergreens or beautiful stones, beads–whatever we wished to create. Our gesture was to spiral inward to light our candles from a single source at the center,  honoring Gaia’s greatest in-breath, the cold and darkness of winter, and the longest night. At the same time, in the southern hemisphere, we created spirals from blossom and flowers and summer greenery, walking out of the spirals with our candles already burning, to honor Gaia’s greatest out-breath and the longest day of heat and summer light. At our December gathering, we walked our spirals meditatively together, pausing at the end to honor the sacred stillness of Gaia’s breath uniting us.

In March 2022, we gathered once again on Zoom to celebrate the Vernal and Autumnal Equinox together. For this festival, we created a lemniscate pattern for the time of equal day and equal night. It was inspiring to discover that walking this figure eight pattern created a natural embracing and widening gesture, with a potent pause of sovereignty and balance in the center of the lemniscate loops. We experienced together a moment of peace and stillness that echoed the Solstice stillness, but held a deep equilibrium unique to the Equinox time–one that embraced and united us throughout the Gaian world in its strength and potency and power.

Now we find ourselves once more at Solstice–the Gateways of greatest Light and greatest Darkness. It is June, 2022, and at this turn in the Earth’s wheel, we are celebrating Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere, and Winter Solstice in the southern hemisphere. It will be interesting to experience the opposite mirroring gestures of what we initiated and celebrated in December of 2021. We have the opportunity to contemplate all that has happened to us and in our world since we last walked a spiral, and we can discover who we are now in the present moment. We can breathe with Gaia, be Gaian, as we pause once again in sacred stillness and celebration of life together across the globe.

We will be celebrating Summer and Winter Solstice together via Zoom on Sunday, June 19th, 2022 at 1 pm PST. All are warmly invited (membership in the Gaian Commons Community required).

Whether you join us that day or not, we invite you to create your own Spiral of Light wherever you are, to honor this Solstice time, and to cultivate a new Gaian Festival of Light and Wholeness in your lives.

A Shared Spiral Ritual

Creating a spiral, whether for yourself, or together with family and friends, can be a creative, fun and meaningful ritual in the days or weeks leading up to Solstice. In the Southern hemisphere, creating a spiral of winter greens can be beautiful, as it invokes the age old meaning of bringing green life back to the barren land of Midwinter. For the Northern hemisphere, creating a spiral from all the beauty and life of summer’s bounty–flowers, blossoms, herbs - would be a wonderful thing to do with family, grandchildren and friends. Use your imagination to create what works for you. If making a large spiral to walk is too much, create one from sand on the beach, or stones from a river. The possibilities are endless!

Have fun with this. Perhaps the spirals you create could honor the four kingdoms of nature–Earth, Water, Air and Fire, and the elementals representing these kingdoms – Gnomes, Undines, Sylphs and Salamanders. Midsummer’s Eve/Day June 23/24th in the Northern hemisphere is a traditional time (linked to Summer Solstice) to commune and make merry with the faeries and elementals of the land where you live. Lucinda Herring will share about this at our June 19th gathering. Ara Swanney will share about the traditional Maori festival of Matariki (meaning Pleiades) a new year’s celebration held in New Zealand near the Winter Solstice. This year, Matariki coincides with Midsummer’s Day, June 24th in the Northern hemisphere, which is a special alignment.

Festivals are living gateways in the Earth’s year, liminal times where we can connect more deeply with our selves, and with the seen and unseen realms of Gaian life. The spirals we create can be gifts to our homes, land and place. They can serve as focal points and an invitation for our local nature spirits, house angels, genius loci of land, unseen allies and Sidhe companions to join us in our preparations and celebrations.  Such co-creation is a Gaian work–reweaving the web of life as the wheel of the seasons turn, and cultivating joy and lightness of being for troubled times.

You might wish to wear something festive or representative of the Solstice season you are honoring. Please bring a candle, as we will be using these in our ritual time together, and, if you wish, something seasonal and festive to drink and eat. You might also want to bring a spiral you can trace with your finger, if you want to include a bodily gesture, or you might create a spiral in the room where you will be, to actually walk during our shared meditation.   

Our Solstice gathering will be the third exploration of what it means to create new Gaian Festivals for this time of great transformation and change on our planet.   We welcome your presence,  either at the Sunday gathering, or in your feedback and sharing online, for each of us holds a unique and valuable perspective and understanding of these questions:

What does it mean to celebrate the Solstices and the Equinoxes in a Gaian way?

How can we “think like, breathe like, be like our beloved planet,” not only at festival times, but in every moment of our lives?

How can we cultivate joy and sacred wholeness, in service to life and to our world?

Download How to Create a Festival of Lights Spiral Ritual  below for more specific instructions and inspiration.

David's Desk 181 Anger And...

As I sit down to write this, my soul is aching from the senseless killing of nineteen young elementary school children and two of their teachers in Uvalde, Texas. It brings to an end a month of horrors in which we have seen the targeted massacre of African-Americans in a grocery store in Buffalo as well as the ongoing catastrophe that is the Ukraine-Russia war, where schools and hospitals are targeted by missiles to terrorize and demoralize a population. And these are just the atrocities that have made the headlines, the tip of a planetary iceberg of human trauma inflicted by other humans.

There are different ways one can respond to this: grief, sorrow, compassion, a reaching out to bring help and comfort. But anger is surely on the top of the list, anger at those outworn attitudes and behaviors that fail to recognize our common humanity and are unable to accept that our survival depends on our ability to communicate and cooperate with each other.

Where there is inertia, anger is a powerful motivator to bring about change.  Anger can transform into the courage to confront habits of thought that promote greed, injustice, selfishness, and the well-being of one group (or one individual) above that of others, and behaviors that protect incompetence and ignorance in the name of “business as usual.”  ronically, we can be angry at the way anger is used as a tool to divide us in order that a few may gain and maintain power at the expense of the many.

Anger is rightly seen metaphorically as a fire. As such, it can provide the energy to change. It can burn away what is unhealthy and rotten. But like fire, it can injure those who wield it. It can spread in unpredictable ways and consume what should be cherished as well as what should be removed. The person who holds anger in her or his heart can be damaged by it, which can lead to damaging others. Who knows what unresolved anger led the Uvalde shooter to buy a gun and attack a school?

Anger can be useful, but it should be seen as part of a process, not as a destination. We can think “anger, and….”  I am angry, and my anger leads me to change. I am angry, and my anger leads me to positive action. I am angry, and my anger leads me to seek understanding and a new vision. I am angry, and my anger leads me to stand up to what is harmful in my world.

Of course, it takes an act of intention and morality to make anger part of a creative, internal act of alchemy in which something transformative and healing emerges. It is easy for anger to simply become more anger, destruction, killing, and death. Anger is an elemental power, and if we give it the reins, it can take us over a cliff, and often others with us. There is nothing wrong with feeling anger. What matters is what we then become and what we do. What is important is how we determine what comes after the “and….”

Let’s think of this as an alchemical process. I have a hot substance that I want to transform into something useful, but to do so, I need to pour it into a container so I can work with it. If you’ve ever poured very hot water into a thin glass, only to have the glass shatter, you know that the strength and durability of the container is important. This is true when we are the container and anger is the hot substance. How we hold this anger determines whether the process can proceed towards a constructive “and…” or whether we shatter and are damaged.

For me, the essential ingredient of our inner container is love.  It can also be formed by joy, compassion, goodwill, a positive vision, and the hope that always opens doors to possibilities. In the end, though, it is love that provides the inner strength and resilience that can safely hold the intensity of our anger and ensure it can—and will—be transformed into something positive and powerful.

This past month, a friend sent me the YouTube video of Dr. Timothy Shriver’s commencement address at Georgetown University: 

Dr. Shriver is the son of Sargent Shriver who helped found the Peace Corps and has himself been the Chairman of the Special Olympics for several years. It’s an inspiring address, in which he says, “I don’t believe that ‘love your enemies’ is any longer the strategy for saints. I believe it is the new requirement for citizenship,” finishing his talk by affirming, "We can’t heal what we can’t love.”

We diminish ourselves when we underestimate the power of love, and we weaken ourselves when we mistake the power of anger as a force of vengeance or retribution for the harms in the world, whether to ourselves or to others. But when justifiable anger is held and transformed by a love that seeks to heal and uplift, then the “and…” that can result is a power that can change the world.

Surfing On the Edge of the Unknown

I work as an intuitive mentor. I combine my training and perspective as a Lorian priest with newly emerging energy healing methods and coaching techniques. My intention is to help people learn how to stand tall within themselves, to thrive and be of service to the future. Especially in a present that appears increasingly dysfunctional.

My “practice specialty” is working with what psychology calls the highly sensitive temperament. A sensitive person has probably had a lifetime of being told or thinking about themselves that they are just too sensitive, cry too easily, take things in too deeply. “What is wrong with you?” they hear from others, or ask themselves. They are fed up with themselves, tired of feeling victimized, tired of trying so hard to be perfect, tired of trying to save the world to make it a safe place for themselves to be, tired of trying to avoid the shadows and pain they feel inside.

Often I am asked this question: “How can I get rid of this awful sensitivity?” The asker wants me to tell them how to make their sensitivity go away so that she or he can just “be normal.”

I believe that we sometimes try to use our self-help techniques, and even religion, to “beat up” what we think we don’t like about ourselves in the hope that whatever it is will go away, and then we will be a better person. But in my experience, no one, including me, has ever been convinced to think more highly of themselves by a beating. Surely the best use of “self-help” and spiritual awareness is to open ourselves to discovering the goodness that is already inside us, and allowing it to bloom.

I suspect that exceptional sensitivity is pointing towards a deeper capacity for being human than we have been aware of. Our sensitivity can open access for us into deeper senses that go beyond seeing, hearing and touch into a more subtle realm. I think that many sensitive people have been given a gift that we haven’t been receiving.

How can Incarnational Spirituality help us to understand and utilize exceptional sensitivity for our own good, and for the good of the world?

I come to this question from being sensitive myself. I also come to it from a lifelong exploration of what it means to receive spiritual insight. It has taken me forever to understand that spiritual insight comes to me through my body as subtle perception…not as visions, not by hearing the voice of God or the angels in my head, like I thought I was “supposed to.”

Hearing and seeing seemed to be the accepted channels for how “everyone else” did it. That way of receiving guidance has been honored and revered and respected over human history, and I thought there must be something wrong with me that this never happened for me.

But through Incarnational Spirituality I have come to see how it works for me. And without IS I would not know this!

I continue to learn how to extend my sensitive awareness, my subtle perception, just beyond my body, and then feel into and translate into a felt sense the awareness and information that comes to me.   

The very first time I did this was when I lived in the Findhorn Community in the 1970s. I was in my thirties. I had been at Findhorn for about four or five years when I had this experience, which really, looking back, changed my life. I was the focalizer of a three-month program called the Essence of Findhorn that was meant to introduce about 30 people from all over the world to a new way of thinking about a living, loving, embodied spirituality. It was a very practical program. There was some study of esoteric principles, but mostly we were involved in coming to understand how to put those principles into practice in our daily lives as individuals, as a group, and as we participated in the life of the community itself.

At some point in the last month of the program, a participant who was a therapist from Canada, seemingly quite healthy physically and spiritually, somehow came to the determination that she could now best serve her life purpose by dying. She took to her bed and began to refuse all food. She didn’t share her intention with anyone, and people just assumed that she was ill.

Some days later, a friend of hers came to ask me to visit with her. I went to see her and learned for the first time about her intention. I had never been confronted with a situation like this and didn’t know what to do. On the one hand, I wanted to honor her sovereign presence and right to choose for herself. On the other hand, I didn’t want her to die!

She was open to talking with me, but I felt her life seeming to hang in the balance in this one moment. Rightly or wrongly, I sensed that what I said and how she responded would determine whether she chose life or death. But I had no clue what to say, or even how to evaluate a situation like this.

Interestingly, because I had never experienced voices or visions, much of my time at Findhorn (and now my whole life!) had been about learning how spirituality worked for me. Early on, surrounded as I was by people who heard the voice of God and spoke to the fairies, I felt that I had to decide whether I was “spiritually slow,” in which case I should hang it up and just try to live a “normal” life. OR, did spirituality work in a different way for me? If this, then my job was to figure out how it worked for me. I had determined that I was going to explore this latter option.

Over time I had learned how to do what I thought of as following the road signs of my life, and humanity’s life, including having an eye on the rearview mirror, for clues about how Life and Spirit worked. I realize now that this was great training in learning to trust my inner intuition rather than depending on God or some other Wise Authority who would Tell Me What To Do. But if ever I had needed some wise authority to tell me what to do, sitting at the bedside of this weak lady watching the very life force ebb from her, right now was it.

I really wasn’t in the habit of praying, because I just wasn’t sure anyone was listening to me. But now I sent out a quick, mostly wordless but deeply heartfelt inner request for help. If I had been able to put it into words, it would have been something like: “If I can offer any help for this woman here, please help me to do this.”

Nothing happened, of course.

However, I thought of a question to ask her. I don’t remember what it was now, but it was something very simple, something about what she liked to do, what brought her joy. I knew I didn’t want to be judging her or telling her what she should do or not do. We just talked for a long time about simple joys and pleasures. I didn’t have a plan. I would just find what felt like a good next thing to say to her coming into my mind literally a split second before I said it.  Whatever was there, I would say. It didn’t really feel different from how I talked normally.

Over time though, there was a progression, and at one point we were talking about the beauty of the woods that surrounded the building where the Essence Program was being held and where the participants and I were also living. It was a big old stone Scottish hotel, built as a healing spa in the 1800s, on land that had been held long ago by the Druids as sacred. It came to me to ask her if she would like to walk there in the woods with me. I didn’t frame the question with a purpose, like trying to get her out of bed or on a path to change her mind about dying. At the same time, of course,  it seemed to me that attending to the beauty and vitality of the living world was a pretty good life-generating prescription. I understood intuitively that this was a tiny step in the direction of living, and that I could only offer it, exceptionally delicately, and gently. It was for her to take it, or not. I knew that living, or not, was her decision. After a time she said she would like to do that.

We made a date for the next day. We did take that very short, very slow walk into the beautiful powerful healing trees. I learned later that she had decided on her own to eat a little bit of soup beforehand, so she would have enough energy to stand and move. And as far as I know, she is still standing and moving on down the road of life…

As for me, I continue to explore how spirituality and guidance work for me. And they do! I am still learning how to translate the wisdom in my body’s sensitive awareness, my subtle perception, into conscious understanding. I work with clients now in much the same way as I did in this story. I still completely trust the thought that comes to me the split second before I need it. Always it leads unpredictably into the next one, which might be even better. I still focus on what is the smallest thing that can bring joy. If this moment can unfold from joy and delight, it creates a good foundation for the next moment to do the same. I still always feel like I am surfing on the edge of the unknown, trusting my instincts to keep me upright and moving forward. So far so good!

Another way that my spirituality works for me now: I will have a deep question (I am chronically curious). I will be holding myself in the field of this question as it radiates deeply inside me. Often I will find myself awakened in the night, not with the answer, but with a kind of doorway... a feeling into...the imagination...of a pathway...toward an answer. I will be in a kind of sleepish awakeness for several hours as the question opens out in me.  

I am holding this question deeply, there in the night, not asleep but not exactly awake, but also not in some mystic trance state either. I often feel like I am sitting in the center of the Sidhe stone circle, and I will find myself utilizing the card deck structure to find practical answers to the question. Lorian’s Sidhe card deck is a very powerful imagination/intuition stimulator here. I sense I am partnered with the Sidhe in some way. Not in direct "guidance" (as in "this is the answer to your question") but in a kind of perpetual invitation to explore.  

I am always translating the concepts of Incarnational Spirituality into my own felt experience.

Still no voices or visions, and I don’t know if I have ever experienced an actual “subtle being” in the way others have described. I haven’t ever consciously seen the nature spirit of the tree it is serving, or an elemental , or beings of other realms. I trust that they are there, and I communicate with and to them. (Though there was that one time when I was feeling deeply sad, and I leaned up against a tree in our front yard. I felt the tree reach out and put its “arms” around me, to comfort me. I don’t know whose arms those were!)

I have learned the most from being aware of the living presence that flows throughout nature. My primary way of connecting with the world is through “becoming the presence of the thing.” For me, the subtle environment is how I experience the environment, as alive with presence and meaning.

The tree is a tree is a Tree. Or a sheep is Sheep. Or a landscape is the Landscape Deva. Or a dog, or the weather, or my house, or a machine, or an idea, or a plan, or a person’s behavior. My ‘way in’ is by becoming the presence of the thing…going inside it, feeling and sensing how it is who it is, how it is the information space that is its presence, how it co-exists in its environment, where there is movement in it, and maybe how it wants to move on or change.

When I do this, I feel like I “become” a whole other realm of information and awareness. I am still me, intact, but I now have more awareness and information available. It is an instant, deep, layered awareness, that holds itself open to my deeper exploration. I do my coaching mentoring work this way too, and my parenting, and now my grandparenting—my life, really.

The sheep. The neighbor’s new flock is 30 ewes who are all pregnant. I have been walking our dogs near and through them every day, getting to know Sheep up close and personal for the first time. Becoming Sheep. Who are you as a presence in the world, Sheep? I am surprised to find them so alert yet quiet inside, a certain kindness and peace there, and very curious. Who knew sheep were so curious?

It is interesting that the word for “one sheep” and for a “group consciousness of sheep” is the same word. I am surprised to find a depth there that I hadn’t expected, given the metaphors that people use about sheep. Recently when I walked to them, they felt different. The whole flock felt somehow more expansive, quieter, there was a stillness there that I hadn’t felt before. Then I learned that the day before, the first two lambs had been born. So these ewes are becoming Mother. I recognize the field of mother, Gaia mother. I have volunteered to help with the lambing if the need for help arises. I know birthing and mothering.

Knowing these sheep also challenges my sensitivity to the powerful reality of the real-life environment, of wholeness, and of predation. The sheep are being raised very humanely. They are good neighbors for me. As I get to know them I love them. But the lambs will be sold for slaughter as organic lamb chops. How can I bear that? I will need all my subtle awareness to deal with this reality as it unfolds, because I experience these sheep as co-walkers, as presence, as relationship, and as a communion of mind and heart with an Intelligence and Presence. It is also here that I will find the understandings that will help me to hold this experience, and maintain flow within it.

Another example:

One early summer day I noticed a huge bumblebee in our kitchen window above the sink. Huge! Maybe it was a queen bee. Nearly two inches long. I have never seen such a large bee. I turned away to get a jar to catch and release her, but when I turned back, she had disappeared. Not to be seen or heard anywhere. I was baffled.

My looking away had taken only a few seconds. Where could she have gone? I looked and looked. I wanted to release her, and I really didn’t want to step on her, or discover that one of our dogs had engaged with her.

No luck. So I carried on with my day, deciding that she must have somehow flown back out the open door in those few seconds.

The next day, I had just finished my lunch and was settling into work at the computer again, when I heard a loud buzzing near the sink. I thought of the bee. Again, I looked and looked, but there was no bee on the windows or walls or flying around. I even picked up the small lidded compost bin to carry outside because it sounded like there might be a bee trapped inside.

But no—there she was—crawling out of the drain in the sink, from the cavity down where the incinerator is!! Wet, bedraggled, bemused, and very irritated, but miraculously alive! How did she survive two days of sink use??

Quickly I put a dishcloth near her and she climbed right up on it, so I took her outside and deposited her, still on her cloth, in the big tomato pot.

Then I set about doing an energy work process that utilized my sensitive awareness in a new way.

I imagined into connecting with my own sacred humanness, Sovereignty and Self Light. I sent appreciation to the “holding spaces” of the dishcloth and the tomato plant and the deck, even the depths of the sink. I invited a connection in myself with the earth, and with the spirit of bees.

I felt into what I wanted for this bee...I wanted the feeling of radiant vital energy moving in her body, if that was right for her, and the feeling of flying. I called on the sun.

The image of a butterfly came into my imagination to represent flying (part of my mind argued with the butterfly image, but I let it bee there...). The Forest Pansy Tree growing next to the deck suggested itself as an ally, too.

I focussed on the bee, imagining myself bee-ing her, drawing the healing and vitalizing energy of the sun into her body, feeding her internally, drying her on the outside. I just held her in this blessing field, wishing her well.

The bee began to groom herself, her front legs moving rhythmically back to front, from her midsection and up and over her face. She rested at intervals, sometimes leaving one leg up in the air above her head for a few minutes as she sat motionless. She turned herself to the sun in different directions. It was fascinating to watch.

Suddenly, she was gone.

I spent some time looking into what a visitation from Bee as a totem animal might mean at this time in my life. I know that she brought her own gifts and blessing to me. And she gave me the opportunity to reconnect her with her own Bee-ing and life Presence. Be…

But I also thought a lot about how I had utilized my sensitivity in a positive, generative way that made a difference for a tiny piece of the world.

I realized that my sensitivity was somehow giving me access to an inner awareness in myself that was definitely spiritual, sacred, and powerful in a lightly-held way.

I considered more deeply what I had done almost instinctively. I was wondering, what did it actually feel Iike to use the deeper subtle senses that my sensitivity gave me access to? I sat with each image that had come to me, trying to open my awareness to the information being offered by these subtle senses.

The sun felt like the sun would—warm vital, energetic, expansive, powerful, inviting of growth, and willing.

The spirit of Bee felt somehow like it was made out of the brightness of sun, fierce and mighty, a generative force. The feeling of what the sun would sound like if you could hear a piece of it. (Just a little synaesthesia to spice things up a bit!)

The soul of the earth felt like a large loving holding space, an embrace of Presence. It looked like a female being with a vast flowing garment that held all the living beings on the earth in its folds. The bee was there.

The butterfly was not actually a butterfly, but as an image, it represented for me a kind of light, lifting, dancing shape of flying, not the way an actual bee flies, but a sense that I felt the bee needed in order to imagine herself taking flight again.

The Forest Pansy tree was an interesting surprise. When we were landscaping our yard the summer before, and picking out trees to plant, the landscape designer asked me to go to the tree farm to look at a Forest Pansy that she had selected. When I went, I saw that it was lovely. But to my astonishment this other tree next to it just sort of reached out and enfolded me. So that was the one we planted in our garden near the deck…who partnered with me in rescuing the bee.

This tree is beautiful and has a very wise, graceful air about it. It seemed to be offering a kind of radiance, maybe a kind of life force. But very subtle. I don’t quite have words to describe what its presence felt like. Cool, expansive, like hearing and feeling a “light breeze of light” through leaves. Also a kindly Presence of partnership.

As a sensitive person, I am always going around thanking and blessing and loving and appreciating the world, talking to and “saving” bits of it as I can.

I realized that each of my images was a collection of impressions that was carrying information, meaning, and awareness before my brain knew exactly how to translate it into words and understanding. In a way, these subtle perceptions were registered in my whole body, not just in my mind.

I am learning that I am utilizing subtle sensory organs, beyond my physical sensory organs, which have their own unique way of delivering information. This could be spiritual information that is every bit as valid as visions and voices. Even though I have never experienced visions and voices, it seems second nature to me to have knowing through these subtle senses.

In order to translate subtle perception into words, I hold the multi-layered image, or awareness, in my mind, also in my body and heart, until words begin to come to me that carry the sense that the image does. The words come slowly, but I know when they “feel” right. And after I write them or speak them, I can feel the goodness of them in my body, a wonderful feeling.

The actual sensation contains everything as a wholeness, and I know its meaning right away without words, even though there is a much deeper richness there that continually opens to my exploration. Finding words helps to make what I know conscious to me.

Working with subtle perception is also a way of being in the world that can create change. One of the characteristics of being “so sensitive” is feeling overwhelmed by the pain, drama and dysfunction that is always unfolding around us, and wanting to hide away from it to protect a sensitive spirit.

Learning how to stay present in an overwhelming situation, sensing what is needed, calling upon allies that can help, and then tapping for and radiating a calming, healing presence—this gives us a way to use our sensitivity to make a difference, without having to tough it out and soldier on like we usually do.

This was just one bee that I worked with. But in a way she represented the world! I would guess that you have done many similar acts.

The next time you have an opportunity to make a difference, whether it is with a single bee or a difficult situation, try this:

Ground yourself, use your subtle senses to feel into what is needed, invite inner help. Feel their presence inside you, whether you can see them with your physical eyes or not (knowing that you have the right to refuse or deny any energy that doesn’t feel right). You become a portal through which helpful energy can flow.

David Spangler says:

The premise is that we are continually immersed in a living field of creative energy which configures to the patterns formed by our subtle energy field (or subtle bodies) much like a flowing river configures to the shape of a boulder lying in the river bed. This configuring can affect the probability of synchronistic events occurring as the world’s energy seeks to replicate the information, the connections, and the patterns formed in our own personal subtle field.

The second premise is that all subtle energy is malleable and susceptible to being shaped by thought and feeling. This gives us a tool to use in doing the art of manifestation. By shaping our subtle field, we have a way of shaping the world field that surrounds us.

As spiritually sensitive people we are learning how to navigate the world in greater wholeness. Using our subtle perception helps us to contribute in positive ways to conditions and areas of the world that need help or healing. This includes increasing our ability to affect and shape the future, our own included. Working with the subtle aspect of the world enhances the wholeness of all incarnations, including that of the earth itself.

The best reason of all to explore subtle perception is that it feels so good! It is so comforting and delicious to be at home: at home in the community of Humanity, at home in the earth, at home in our bodies, at home in our incarnation.

David's Desk 180 Gourmet of the Soul

My father was an engineer by profession but a gourmet chef by hobby. He loved to cook and in particular, to create amazing dishes from scratch relying not on a recipe but on his own sense of flavors. His mouth was like a chemical analysis laboratory. Give him a taste of something, and he could tell you the ingredients, the spices that may have been used, the proportions of one thing versus another. He was a virtuoso of the kitchen.

I inherited none of that talent. In fact, I have virtually no sense of smell—never have had—and thus a diminished sense of taste. When it comes to fine dining, as long as I have ketchup, I’m good! Still, I loved watching my dad cook, seeing his delight at producing something wonderful, and I always enjoyed whatever he concocted.

I got to thinking about this when I read something this past month about the importance of having a spiritual path in these challenging times. This is a sentiment with which I would agree, but the author’s definition of a “spiritual path” was different from my own. He was thinking of something formal, a tradition that had its own beliefs, practices, rituals, and so on, all of which would provide a place of comfort and relief from the buffeting of world events. It was as if there was a “daily path” that we walked while doing our work and attending to our affairs and then there was a “spiritual path” that could take us out of the world for a time, allowing us to renew and refresh ourselves.

I think having practices that renew and refresh are important, but my idea of a spiritual path is different. In thinking about this difference, I got to thinking about my father in the kitchen. For him, cooking was about combining the main ingredients such as meat, vegetables, grains, and so forth with spices. Dad knew how to cook the main ingredients, but it was in knowing and choosing just the right spices and their combination that his talent shone. He had a large rack of spices, and he knew precisely how and when to use each one to get the effect he desired. For him, spices weren’t the meal—you still needed the main ingredients—but they made the meal and transformed it into something special and unforgettable.

This is what a spiritual path is, for me. It is a collection of spices that can transform the ordinary fare of everyday activities into something special, something uplifting, something healing, something inspiring, something enriching. These “spices” are flavors like love, compassion, listening, respect, forgiveness, understanding, calmness, bravery, and so on. Life gives us plenty of opportunities to try any or all of these out. A spiritual path for me is having access to a spice rack of spiritual qualities and knowing which to use, when and how to make a moment shine with Light. Walking the spiritual path is really learning to cook in the kitchen of everyday life.

There are lots of recipes for how to live a spiritual life and act in a spiritual manner. It’s wonderful having recipes. I’m certainly not against them. In fact, you wouldn’t want to eat a meal I’d cooked unless you knew I’d followed a recipe. But life is unpredictable. We don’t always know what ingredients it’s going to present us or what the “kitchen” of the moment will be like. There may be no recipe for the situation in which we find ourselves, no “right way” to solve a problem or fulfill an opportunity. This is when we have to improvise with the spiritual spices we have, the qualities we’ve developed in ourselves.

My dad learned about spices by using them. I’m sure he made mistakes; not everything he cooked was always a gourmand’s delight. But he practiced tasting them and using them until the nature of the spice was part of who he was.

This is what we do with those qualities which we call “spiritual” but which are really the qualities that make us most human and enable us to create wholeness and joy in our world. We practice them in daily life with each other until they become part of us. We master the taste of joy, love, courage, compassion, trust, kindness, and so on by using them. Sure, we may make a mistake, but we learn how to make these qualities our own so that we can make them part of our world. We become gourmets of the soul.

It’s the spicy spiritual path!

David's Desk 179 Sweet Sixteen

With this essay, I’m starting my sixteenth year of writing these monthly David’s Desks. Honestly, I had no idea when I started doing this in 2006 at the age of 61 that I’d still be sharing my “Desk” when I was 77. That these essays have continued for so long is due in no small measure to you, my faithful readers, and to your support. You have given my thoughts a warm reception, and this has encouraged me to keep going.

When I started David’s Desk, George Bush was President. We were two years away from the subprime crisis that came close to derailing the world’s economy. We were two years away from seeing the first African-American elected President of the United States. For that matter, we were one year away from Apple introducing the iPhone in 2007. While not the first “smartphone,” (IBM has the honor of having produced that in 1994), it was the first to give unfettered complete access to the Internet, in essence putting a computer in your pocket. That opened up whole new worlds of interconnection and communication, giving us the modern phenomenon of social media with all its benefits and challenges, its rewards and its dangers. And speaking of social media, Facebook opened its doors to the public the same year as David’s Desk began.

In other words, a lot has happened ever since I began writing these essays. Through it all, my intent here has not been to “follow the news” or to write about whatever current event is in the headlines. As it says in the prologue above, my desire has been to share “thoughts and tools for the spiritual journey,” as seen from my perspective. As best I can, I have tried to make each essay reflect on who we are and the resources we have as spiritual beings in touch with timelessness, resources that can then inspire the life we lead in the midst of time and the events of the world.

That will continue to be my objective.

Thinking about the history of David’s Desk (some of the earlier “Desks” were collected and published as a small book, The Flame of Incarnation), I went back this morning to re-read the very first essay I wrote. I wanted to see what thoughts had been in my head all those years ago. True to my objective, they were not tied to any particular event in 2006 but spoke to a truth about our own whole nature. I found them as relevant now as they were back then. So, I decided that in honor of starting this sixteenth year of David’s Desk, I would send you the one that started this experiment. I hope you enjoy it!


I don’t know if your family is a fan of Harry Potter. Mine is. As the books have come out over the years, we have enjoyed more and more J. K. Rowling’s engaging tale of the boy wizard and his friends. In fact, my youngest daughter and I have made a ritual of attending the midnight release parties at our local bookstore whenever a new Potter book has come out. When our four kids were younger, we would all gather in the living room and listen while my wife read the latest installment. It was fun and exciting. Rowling tells a great yarn.

In Harry Potter’s universe, the world is divided into magic-users, known collectively as wizards and witches, and non-magic-users, known as muggles. Much of the fun of the books comes from reading the author’s invention of new words and terms; as neologisms go, muggles is about as good as it gets.

The big difference between Rowling’s fictional universe and ours is that, however fun a word it is, there are no muggles here. We are all magic-users.

Now I’m not talking about fantasy magic, the kind that Harry uses or a wizard in a game of Dungeons and Dragons. Stories, while fun, deceive us about magic by turning it into something implausible. We come to think of magic as wizards hurling thunderbolts and flying through the air.

But there is an everyday magic that surrounds us that is so common, even in its occasional unexpectedness, that we don’t pay attention to it. And I’m not talking about the “magic of life” or the “magic of our senses” or any other metaphor for the wonderment we can find in life.

Here are some examples. I’m about to say something, and someone else says the same thing before me. I’m thinking of a friend and she calls unexpectedly. I need to see someone and I accidentally run into that person in a store. I need money that I don’t know how to get and a check arrives out of the blue in the mail from an unexpected source.

Here’s a true story of magic at work. A friend of mine wanted to buy some special bells for her mother but could not find them anywhere. One afternoon she phoned a friend but accidentally dialed the wrong number. The person at the other end turned out to be the clerk in a gift store she had never heard of. More importantly, this store turned out to be the sole importers in the whole city of these special bells.

We call these kinds of events synchronicities, manifestations, good luck, God’s hand, or coincidences. We see the way people long married can complete each other’s sentences, and we talk about them “being in resonance.”

What all these kinds of events and experiences have in common is that something intangible—a thought, a desire, an intent—is having an effect upon something tangible. The immaterial and invisible is affecting the material and the visible. For example, one day I had to give a lecture in the city at a place that is notorious for having very limited parking as one has to park on busy city streets. It was raining, and I was not anticipating a long walk from wherever I could park back to the lecture hall. So I visualized an empty parking place right in front of the hall. When I got there, though, all the parking spaces were full, but on a hunch, I went around the block. Nothing was available, but as I came in view of the lecture hall again, a car pulled out right where I had visualized my parking place. I was able to park conveniently right in front of the hall. An invisible, intangible thought in my head had a visible, tangible consequence.

We can call this coincidence, but it happens time and again in everyone’s life in one way or another. Our thoughts, feelings, intents, desires, wishes, fears, and hopes have a way of manifesting, the invisible world becoming visible.

The evidence is that life responds to us; it configures to our inner nature, to our thoughts, feelings, and spirit. This is real magic.

Why does it do this? How does it happen? What makes this magic work and create a response? Over the centuries, people have come up with different theories: the law of attraction, or the power of thought, of imagination, or of the will. All of these undoubtedly contribute and are part of this magic. At the same time, we all have examples of when they don’t work, of when we thought positively about something and it did not happen or wasn’t attracted or when our will or imagination did not bring about the result we wished.

The point then is not that there is no magic but that it operates more holistically than we may have thought. It isn’t just the law of attraction or the power of thought or the use of the imagination. Other things may be involved, at least some of the time. And if you think about it, this makes sense. Life responds to us as whole beings, not just as thinking beings or feeling beings or imagining beings. What evokes a response at a given moment may be a mystery; we may have to do some attentive observation and experimentation to gain clues about what works for us and what doesn’t. Each of us may come to this magic uniquely, based on our particular individuality; what works for someone else may not work for us because we are different people. But what is certain is that life will and does configure to us. It does respond. Who we are affects and shapes the world we experience. We are the makers and unmakers of worlds. This is everyday magic.

Experiment with this. Try it out. It may not for you be as straight-forward as thinking, “I want that new car,” and it will appear. How magic works for you may operate differently based on your unique relationship with life, the way your interiority and inner nature relates and configures to the world and vice versa. But your magic will work for you and is working all the time. Be a scientist of your own invisible world and investigate to find out how.

The first step into using your magic may be the same for everyone. I believe it is. It consists of simply acknowledging to oneself, “I am not a muggle. I am a magician.”

Celebrating the March Equinox, Spring and Fall: A Festival of Balance, Inviting, Widening and Focusing

This year in the Commons we are exploring ways to create nature festivals as Gaian celebrations focused on the earth’s seasonal experience of its wholeness from both the Southern and Northern hemisphere’s perspectives. As we prepare for the March Equinox, the second in our seasonal Gaian festival explorations, our planning evoked new images and insights for the Equinox, what that gateway brings the planet, and what it can mean for us.

The term ‘Equinox” is derived from aequus (equal) and nox (night). At the time of the Spring and Fall Equinox, day and night, light and dark are balanced and of approximately equal duration all over the planet. The Equinox marks a moment of Threshold, Balance and Pause, when the tilt of the planet in its orbit means that the sun’s rays fall in a horizontal line along the earth’s equator.

In our planning conversations we observed that the March Equinox becomes a Threshold/Doorway where Gaia’s breath, expanding since the Winter Solstice in the Northern hemisphere, and contracting since the Summer Solstice in the Southern hemisphere, meets in the middle, so to speak, at the equator. We in the North stand in the Doorway between Winter/Spring, inviting new growth/blossoming and widening light. Members of the Commons from the South stand in the Doorway between Summer/Fall, inviting the withdrawal and narrowing of light/life into seed and more focused intent. By celebrating Spring and Fall Equinox together, we are once again working with a rhythm, a rhythm of balance and invitation as Earth’s breath expands and contracts.

Our festival movement/gesture for the December Solstices was the spiral. Those of us celebrating the Winter Solstice walked a spiral of our making inward, to a point of stillness and introspection–Sovereignty and Identity. This mirrored the pause at the point of Gaia’s greatest in-breath, and the greatest manifestation of darkness. Those celebrating the Summer Solstice walked outward from the center of the spiral–their place of Sovereignty and Identity–mirroring the time of Gaia’s most expansive outbreath and the greatest manifestation of light.

When we were considering what gesture/pattern of movement we might use for the March Equinox, the lemniscate (the symbol for infinity, the figure 8) came to mind. This seemed right, and we imagined that pattern stretched out horizontally, with the point in the center as the Doorway/Threshold where we all stand in Balance and Equilibrium together at Equinox time.

From that place in the center, we can experience both the pause, the balance and the moving flows of life. As the light expands in the Spring, Gaia’s breath and energy widens, expanding into leaf and bud. As the light decreases in the Fall, Gaia’s energy and breath narrow and focus, concentrating summer growth and life force into seed and bulb.

Our festival gesture/movement will be one of “invitation and inclusion.” As we walk our lemniscates, either physically or meditatively, we can intentionally invite and include the spirit of our homes and our land, our local nature spirits, house angels, genius loci of land, unseen allies and companions to join us in weaving our seasons together, and standing at the moment of pause and balance and equilibrium together. 

This spirit of “invitation and inclusion of other” seems particularly appropriate for an Equinox Festival. The quality of the Solstice is reflected in its deepening alignment with inner and outer Sovereignty and Identity, in ourselves, and in seed and flower. The quality of the Equinox invokes widening and inclusion, expanding Sovereignty and Identity into recognition of Connection and Interdependence.  At the Equinox time, Gaia is both widening and focusing–in the North expanding into growth and diversity of flower and blossom, and in the South, contracting into focus and formation of seed and potential. 

Here is the suggested movement for our lemniscate pattern:

We will stand or focus at the Threshold/Doorway in the center of our lemniscate. We will move out from that point of balance, creating a flowing movement that goes backwards around the loop, to honor and embrace the gifts of the season we are leaving behind. We will be circling the loop behind us, to reach the present moment again at the center Doorway. Then, facing the loop before us, we will move forward, to invite and discover the gifts of the season ahead, and to bring those gifts when we go round the loop and return to the center of the present moment.  We will then pause together at our Doorways, a moment of “betwixt and between,” a moment of Wholeness. 

When those from the Northern hemisphere work with Winter/Spring and those from the Southern hemisphere work with Summer/Fall, and we do this together, we are celebrating Gaia in her point of equilibrium and balance, embracing all four aspects of her own life expression and all four seasons in one festival. This is a festival of Wholeness.

To bring beauty and form to our celebration, we can weave together the seasonal gifts we find, in any creative way we wish–physically as an altar, a wreath, an arrangement, a mandala–anything that we find in nature or our homes that represents the two seasons of our hemisphere’s transition. Alternatively, in our heart and mind, we can hold the image of the blessing of the season’s gifts in symbol or poem, thinking back to what has come, and forward into the future. You are invited to share these gifts, creations and musings, either at our Gaian Equinox festival on March 20th or online in the Commons. 

Festivals create moments of pause and reflection in our busy lives, and provide new meaning and context for us to come together in a spirit of honor, fun and celebration. Festivals help us to play: they allow us to include, distill and understand our relationships with all life. Celebrating together is a way to strengthen our Gaian connections, and make them more active and present in our lives.

The March Equinox festival helps us explore what it means to stand at a threshold point of balance and equilibrium in our lives. With its focus on equity and balance, it is a timely and important gesture for our times.

(Download How to Create an Equinox Lemniscate below for a more detailed explanation and meaning.)

David's Desk 178 The Light Bank

For many reasons, including jobs lost due to the COVID pandemic, there are many people in our area who are experiencing food insecurity. To meet this challenge, neighborhood food banks gather and distribute food to those in need. These food banks are invaluable not only as a place from which to receive help but also as a central place, a hub to receive donations of food and money. If I contribute to my local food bank, that’s a way for me to reach and help those families who have needs but who are unknown to me personally. Our local food bank does know these specifics and can distribute aid accordingly.

This past week, along with millions of others around the world, I’ve been filled with sorrow for the events transpiring in the Ukraine. This is a tragedy for the Ukrainians and for the average Russian, who has no more desire to invade another country and wage war than I do to invade Canada. One man’s megalomania is adding millions of victims to the ranks of an already too-large number of those suffering from the many ways humans can persecute each other.

As most of you know, my experience embraces the reality of a subtle, non-physical dimension of spirit and energy in which we are all profoundly interconnected, even, to borrow a word from quantum physics, “entangled.” What affects one can affect all, and vice versa. I don’t write about this dimension much here in David’s Desk; I leave that to my classes and workshops. But today, I feel I want to offer an insight from that side of my life and work.

Consciously or unconsciously, we all participate in the subtle dimension of the world. When we are aware of this as a reality in our lives, we discover we have the ability, through thought, feeling, imagination, and embodiment, to create a field of energy around ourselves that can hold a spiritual quality such as love, peace, courage, compassion, and the like. Such a field of energy, when shared with another, can be a source of vitality and blessing, transferring that quality from our life to theirs. As part of their life and subtle energy field, that shared quality can make a difference. 

What we create through our love and caring can be shared through our love and caring. Most importantly, where the subtle dimension is concerned, distance is not a factor. Resonance is. If I can feel connected with someone in my mind and heart, then it doesn’t matter where that person is in the world. As far as transferring that energy field of quality from my life to theirs is concerned, they might as well be standing next to me.

Sharing a helpful, vital, spiritual, emotional, or mental quality with another who is in difficulty or who is suffering somewhere in the world, in order to enhance their ability to deal with and change that difficulty, is called subtle activism. It can envelop a person who is in despair with hope, with courage, with clarity, and with attunement to their own sacred core. Such subtle activism can be directed towards individuals or towards environments or towards collective fields of thought and feeling. 

The more specific one can be when doing subtle activism, the easier it is to establish resonance between yourself and another (even when that “other” may be a collective field of energy shared by many). Simply put, a general rule of thumb is that you can share best with whom or what you know best. For example, if I know a family who is suffering from food insecurity, then I can bring them food directly, and more importantly, I know exactly the kind and amount of food that they need. I can tailor my response to their specific situation.

But when it comes to subtle activism, more often than not, I don’t have that kind of specific connection or information. Here is where the example of the food bank is a useful metaphor. There are “Light Banks” in the subtle dimensions held and managed by various spiritual beings whose purpose is to do exactly what a food bank does: to receive “donations” of Light, of prayers, of goodwill and blessings from individuals who wish to help but don’t know specifically where their good energies should be directed.Such Light Banks do know and can “distribute” or share these blessings specifically with other individuals and situations that are reaching out for spiritual help, for guidance, and for blessing. In my own subtle activism work, therefore, I connect with an appropriate Light Bank and know that by adding my intention and blessing to it, help will be given where it is needed, even when I don’t know who or what that recipient may be.

To help you visualize this process, here is a sample example of how I might go about this. If you wish, you can adapt this example to your own unique style and way of engaging with subtle and spiritual dimensions.


I begin by imagining what quality of subtle, vital energy I’d like to share with people in the Ukraine and thus which I’d like to “donate” to the Light Bank. Let’s say, I’d like to share the qualities of courage, steadfastness, hope, and resilience with the citizens of Kiev as they live through the siege of their city and seek to protect their homeland. The first thing I do is imagine as fully as I can what I feel like when I embody these qualities. I don’t want this to be just a mental or imaginative image but something I really feel in my body. This aspect of embodiment is important. We generate subtle energies and qualities as a full person, not just as an act of thought or feeling, a mind or a heart. Our body is definitely a participant in the process.

Therefore, I want to discern in myself the felt sense of the quality or blend of qualities I want to share. I want to know myself as an embodiment of these qualities.

Once I have this felt sense and I can feel the quality or qualities I wish to share as mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical realities in and around me, then I put my imagination to work. I know what a Light Bank feels like in the subtle dimension, but I don’t know what it looks like in any physical sense. But I don’t have to. Subtle allies can read my intention. What I need is a pictorial or imaginal language that demonstrates my intention and enables me to connect with the proper subtle ally.

So, I picture a building (and it could be anything: a person, a place in nature, an abstract geometric form, etc.) over which hangs a sign: “Kiev Light Bank: Donations Welcome!” I’m using the physical model of a local food bank to give shape to my subtle intention. This image of the Kiev Light Bank is a symbol of where I want my blessing to go, and those in the subtle realms who are in charge of such a Light Bank can easily read this symbol and discern this intent.

In my imagination, I go up to this building, holding steady in myself the felt sense of the quality or qualities I am bringing to the Light Bank, and there I meet its “Custodian,” the being who receives my “donation.” I can imagine this Custodian anyway I wish; again, I’m working with symbols here that connect my physical mind with the non-physical reality of the subtle and spiritual dimension. Standing with this Custodian, I visualize my package of energy, the felt sense of qualities I’m holding in my whole being, shifting from me to this representative of the Light Bank. If you are doing this, you can see this happening in any manner that gives you a felt sense of the reality of what you are doing. 

Once this sharing and exchange has taken place, I give thanks to the Custodian and to the Light Bank, affirming that it knows how to both magnify and distribute my blessing and contribution of energy to the city of Kiev, to its over-lighting angel, and to the people who are part of that city.

At this point, I let it all go, bringing my awareness fully back to my everyday self, my everyday life, and to my own wholeness and balance.

This is a simple example, one that, as I say, you can adapt however you find useful to yourself, should you wish to work with a Light Bank. In this context, I would also remind you that you can do this work with Light Banks connected to the Russian people. They are as much victims of this tragedy as the Ukrainians. Perhaps, if their Light, their resolve, their courage is empowered by subtle activism, they will find a way to bring balance and justice back to their country and peace to the world.

The important point about subtle activism is that it is rooted in the fact that we are all part of one world, which includes a shared ecology of spirit and energy. None of us is without the power to contribute to this shared world and help nudge it in directions of wholeness. We are all citizens of every country on earth, part of nature, part of Gaia. Subtle activism is a finger pointing to this reality as well as offering a way of acting from that connectedness for the blessing of all.

May all our Light Banks be filled to overflowing, their blessings advancing goodwill and peace on Earth.

Editor's Note: Here are some of Lorian's resources on subtle activism if you would like to learn more:

Webinars and classes, including:

(the latter class and webinar are not directly about subtle activism, but provide an excellent foundation for all subtle activism work)

Books and Card Decks, including:

The above book links lead to via Lorian’s affiliate link, which allows Lorian to receive a small commission on the sale at no extra cost to you. Most of the books are also available through Barnes and Noble online or can be ordered through your local bookstore.

Psychotherapy and Incarnational Spirituality: A Sketch

Psychology, which properly includes everything in the human mind and experience, can seem like the Blob from the old sci fi movie of that name. Psychology will absorb into itself whatever it encounters–from economics and cooking to astrology and energy healing. This is why therapists of all stripes keep adding stripes. We take courses and trainings and we keep learning and using new perspectives. If it’s good for humans, we’ll take it! And we’ll blend it into our work. So of course psychotherapists, like other healers, apply Incarnational Spirituality to the therapeutic situation.

As a psychologist in full time private practice, I have been enormously helped and inspired by I.S. But then (full disclosure) I met David in 1983 and my training in Clinical Psychology only began in 1986. I was already fruitfully challenged by several perspectives, including Anthroposophy, energy healing (Brugh Joy!) and Zen Buddhism, that would not be found in my psychological textbooks. I.S. has continued to enrich my own development personally; it informs how I co-create the therapeutic field with my patient; it gives content that I sometimes offer explicitly to the patient.

There are at least three distinctive features of I.S. that are of both theoretical interest and practical help in therapy: 1) the Living Environment, 2) the Self-Creating Self, and 3) the Instreaming of Improvisation.

1. Living Environment

Psychoanalysis, Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Family Systems, as well as current movements like Internal Family Systems, Neurofeedback, EFT and EMDR, have little to say about the non-human surround. I.S. takes this surround very seriously, and directs us to the life within the man-made environment as well as the kingdoms and processes of nature. So it involves us in the earth, in the world, but not the world as understood by natural science alone.

The “life” of the I.S. living environment is the energetic life that is aware and intentional at various levels, and that is not necessarily co-extensive with the biological processes or even the physical presence of the elements of the earth. When English psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott contemplated his death, he found himself praying, “Let me be alive when I die!” He meant a kind of life that includes consciousness even if the physical body is on its way out or gone altogether.

This elemental life of our surround can be felt quite directly and simply by many people, perhaps by everyone. It overlaps with the chi of Tai Chi, the energy of the chakras, elemental beings, and the sense children often have that there really is no inanimate matter. It can be derided as anthropomorphism or animism, but it is simply there, and I.S. offers exercises and perspectives that bring this ambient life to life for us.

It matters for therapy because, above all, it means that human beings are never as alone and alienated as the dominant physicalist, materialist perspective on the universe would have us believe. Becoming alert to the life in our immediate environment gives us an anchor and an interlocutor at all times, and a felt sense that life is something co-created between ourselves and a responsive surround. When we feel into what is going on around us, in the furniture, the plants, the air, the landscape, we can help to move the flow of events in a positive direction. The living universe is one in which we are active rather than passive, and activity is a key to health–even if it is the activity of slowing down, noticing and releasing mental habits, and smelling the roses. Well-being begins in participatory activity.

In our time, nature is threatened as never before, a process in which we are all victims and perpetrators. Climate anxiety now accompanies or underlies many of the issues patients face, and this is a trend that is on the rise. There is no one right way to respond to these anxieties in oneself or one’s patients. Yet when we become aware of the subtle life around us, we can collaborate with it in new and surprising ways that enhance the healing, wholeness, and creativity of the earth. This sensitivity to not-exclusively-biological life is part of our possible response to climate change issues as they grow ever more evident.

The living environment has a particular application in the therapeutic setting. An I.S.-informed practitioner is likely to work toward a healing and holding environment, an energetic chalice that promotes the therapeutic process. Also, this living environment of I.S. is tipped toward positivity and potential (an open system). It is good, while the patient may too often feel that existence itself is a closed and hostile system. Exercises like the Touch of Love, Innocence, and Soma to Aura, point the therapist, and may point the patient, toward this life-filled, life-giving direction.

Here’s an example.

Since COVID, I have conducted therapy sessions while walking in the woods near my home in the Berkshire mountains of western Massachusetts. Sometimes patients walk with me. More often, I am walking alone and talking to the patient on my cell phone. But I am not alone. The woods around me are filled with life and presence. I greet this presence and am grateful for it. It helps me in what I say or how I listen to the patient. At times, I all but disappear and it feels as if it is the forest itself, or me-plus-forest, that is speaking with the patient on the other end of the line. Most patients appreciate it, and some get inspired to come and walk with me.

2. The Self-Creating Self

In most schools of psychology and even spirituality, there is either a self to be found or a supposed ultimate absence of self.

The self to be discovered in classical psychoanalysis and contemporary trauma theory tends to be a damaged and scarred self. A narrative of uncovering accompanies this idea of a broken person. Strangely enough, uncovering and over-asserting the broken persona is similar in structure to what happens in some spiritual orientations if they look to discover an eternal and glorious self. The common denominator is the idea that the self is already there, and we just have to go and find it. Or find it and put it through its paces to heal it.

In a slightly mis-understood Buddhism, slogans like “no self” (anatta) may suggest that there is no individual identity at all; there is no one ultimately at home; we are just karmic processes working their way out. This is close in structure to a completely physicalist take on human individuality as an illusion or an epiphenomenon from brain activity which operates according to physical laws.

But there is another way, a more radically empowering way. A different take on the idea of “anatta” or “no self” may point more in this direction, similar to what is suggested in I.S., and that is the self that creates itself.

If asked, “Who are you?” one good answer offered years ago by Georg Kuehlewind was, “I am the one speaking to you now.” This brings the speaker radically into the present possibilities of the moment, and foregrounds the speaker’s self-ownership in a world of meaning and relating.

On this view, you are the non-localized orchestrator of your current presence and activity on earth. You are that which, or the one who, aligns and harmonizes and extends your past, your ancestry, your body, your physical and energetic surround, your soul’s essence, your connections to humanity and nature, your future potentials.

There is something quite self-less about this self. To undertake exercises like Self-Light or Presence, even though they are all about “you,” is to move immediately away from the patterns of negativity and worry, in fact from all the patterns, by which we normally know ourselves to be the same person each day. Instead, we take ourselves in hand and begin.

Who we become in these practices has no fixed characteristics, but is the invoker and inventor of characteristics. Anything said of this self-performing self would be an underestimation. It is nothing less than the local face of the Generative Mystery itself.

I.S. exercises like Standing, Self-Light and Presence are occasions for this self to heft its capacity for self-manifestation. As we deepen our practice of creative inclusion in these and related exercises, we find there is in principle no upper limit: we can grow ever more and more actively present and engaged.

How refreshing this perspective is for patients (that is, all of us) who are caught in repetitive patterns, shame over who we imagine ourselves to be, and all too often a loss of any sense of home, identity, or agency.

Here’s an example.

A man whose schizophrenic mother had no time for him now has trouble with his narcissistic ex-wife who will not live up to the custody arrangements of his divorce. In her presence, as in his mother’s presence when he was little, he becomes paralyzed. He cannot think, can hardly move. He enters into a frozen state of being. We were walking together during his session one day, and I started to tell him about the principles of sovereignty and self-orchestration. We stopped and I guided us both through the Standing exercise. He felt the benefits immediately, took it up as a regular practice, and now can meet his ex with less in the way of “fight, flight or freeze.” He is coming into self-possession and self-direction. His career has taken off too!

3. Instreaming Improvisation

In a living environment, where we are capable of current self-performance, we naturally make ourselves available to needed intuitions. Rather than operating out of techniques and beliefs, we open to whoever and whatever might accompany us in our current situation.

For some, this takes the form of a dialogue with subtle colleagues and friends who may offer their own perspectives. Perhaps more generally available are simply ideas and fresh impulses that enhance one’s capacities.

The living world is continually radiant with its intuitions, its realities, its fields of possibilities. Normal awareness filters this incoming world so that we receive almost nothing of it. Yet all our understandings, all our perceptions, all our free actions, depend on our getting something of the available radiance. Sparks start to fly through every conversation between self and environment.

For the therapist as for the patient, health depends on some further opening to this possible world, the instreaming improvisations of which we are capable.

Freud and Breuer, in their groundbreaking Studies in Hysteria (1895), noted that “our hysterics suffer from reminiscences.” Today, we might say that “the body keeps the score,” or simply that mental and emotional trouble tends to be repetitive. There is something fixed about thoughts, emotions, body and behavior in any psychological problem. The antidote tends to be freshness, invention, some kind of news from beyond the apparently closed system of the mind. Through I.S.’s emphasis on a conversational world in which “God happens at the boundaries” between beings, we can have access to the right medicine for the given patient and moment.

Exercises that focus on our personal Pit Crew field or representative and on Alliance Space can open our minds and energies to the manna of the fleeting moment. It gives new life for the journey, but it can’t be stored! (Exodus 16:19) There is always collaboration and nourishment available, which sometimes seems to come from outside us, sometimes from inside us; sometimes from the intertwingling of these two.

Here is an example:

A patient with a terrible trauma history was caught in a dangerous and self-destructive spiral. She was self-harming in various ways. We were sitting by a lake outdoors (in my new style of walk-and-talk therapy), and I was in some distress about how to help her. Without any preconceived model for it, I suddenly got the idea to offer her the world to take care of. Together we pictured the whole earth, complete with its atmosphere and oceans, as a sphere about 5 feet in diameter floating between us. I suggested she draw it into her heart and care for it there. That was months ago, and she is still improving, no longer self-harming, and still taking care of that inner earth.

Fine as it is at times to have healing intuitions for our patients, it is also deeply gratifying when we see them have healing intuitions of their own that completely surprise us. This happens to many clinicians, I.S.-inspired or otherwise. For example, patients often come into a session grateful for the previous session, but it turns out what they appreciated in that previous session was not an idea from the therapist, but a new take on things that developed quite within themselves. It is a delight when patients experience themselves as sources: of insight, wisdom, love, and creative action in their world.

Patients come to psychotherapy for so many reasons, often having to do with habits of behavior or relationship, feeling or thinking, that they want to change. I.S. can help with these problems by shifting the perspective and placing the human being in a wider field of concern and interest. This wider field includes elements of the person–such as subtle energies–but more radically also elements of the whole world as a living and engaged collective. So a newly-understood human individual integrates into a newly-understood world. This work of harmonizing, integrating, and connecting–which is both to the benefit of the individual and of the world as a whole–tends to right-size personal troubles while also giving the patient new experiences of agency and fresh arenas for love.

David's Desk 177 Heartful

I was unloading the dishes this morning and practicing mindfulness as I did so. One benefit of mindfulness is that it draws your attention to the present moment. So often our thoughts go to the future or the past, and our awareness of the present gets squeezed and constricted between remembering and anticipating. Yet, it is in the present that we find our power. I cannot act in the future or in the past; the former has yet to materialize and exists only in imagination; the latter is over and exists in memory. It’s in the present that I can summon the wholeness of my being into action. Even as basic an action as simply being aware in the moment makes my surroundings and my presence in them come alive, opening possibilities that I might miss otherwise.

So, mindfulness is a powerful practice for marshalling our attentiveness and potentials in the present moment. Its usefulness is shown in how ubiquitous the teaching of mindfulness has become; it can be found in schools, institutions, corporations, even the military. In some ways, it is in danger of becoming a cliché. Being mindful is a powerful, even a life-changing tool; it would be a shame for it to become only a fad.

This morning, though, while unloading the dishes from the dishwasher, I reflected on the primacy that we give to mind, a bias left over from the Age of Reason in Western culture. Why not a practice of “bodyfulness” or “sensory-fullness?” Why not “heartfulness?” The body has its own form of attentiveness, as does the heart. 

Actually, we do have such practices. Professional athletes, dancers and martial artists, for instance, all develop a high kinesthetic awareness, a form of “bodyfulness,” which, like mindfulness, draws one’s attention to the present. 

I, however, am no athlete (whatever fantasies I may entertain!). If I were to describe my daily spiritual practice, though, it would not be mindfulness as much as “heartfulness.”

For me, mindfulness focuses on myself and my being aware and present in the moment. Heartfulness, though, focuses on the “other” and what I might add to their life or beingness in the moment. This “other” doesn’t need to be a living being. It can be an artifact as well. Incarnational Spirituality has an exercise called the “Touch of Love.” It’s very simple. You focus upon a source of love within you, which many people find located in their heart, and you draw the energy of that love, like drawing water from a well, into your body, down your arms, and into the fingers of your hand. Then, you touch something, visualizing that love flowing out from you as a generative source to bless whatever you are touching. 

It’s very much a heartfulness exercise, one that honors the life, the integrity, and the wellbeing of the object you are touching. It forms a connection of love in the moment, and I have found that where such a connection exists, the blessings are reciprocal. Beyond that, it reminds me as I do it that everything is alive at a subtle, energetic level; I am—we all are—a part of a living universe

The wonderful thing is that we can “touch” the world around us in more than just physical ways. The “touch of love” can be through our eyes in the way we see, acknowledge, and appreciate something or someone. It can be through our ears as we appreciate the sounds we hear and the sources from which the sounds come. It can even be through our thoughts and imagination as well, which is where mindfulness and heartfulness can merge and reinforce each other.

Mindfulness makes me aware of the moment. Heartfulness makes me aware that I am part of a living community all around me, one with which I can commune and relate, especially through love. This morning, as I took each dish, each piece of cutlery, each utensil out of the dishwasher, I could let my appreciation and blessing for that object flow through my fingers. After all, whatever it looks like on the surface—whether a plate, a bowl, a fork, a pan—it is always a manifestation of the Sacred, an expression of the One Life that permeates all things. How could I not be heartful with it? We are kin on the long journey of evolution; we are participants in the manifestation of a universe.

So much of what divides us at the moment and generates conflict exists on the level of concepts, ideas, and perceptions. They are conflicts of the mind, of misinformation, of “fake news,” of propaganda and deceit. Perhaps in heartfulness we can find the bridges over the chasms that thoughts are creating.

Spirit of the Wild: Lorian and WILD Team Up for International Environmental Action

In the physical world, we are separated by distance. What happens to someone on the far side of the earth may seem to have little consequence or effect upon me. We believe our thoughts and feelings are private, locked within our skulls and our skins. But in the subtle energy world, we are all connected in profound and interdependent ways. It’s as if we were all standing on a great trampoline. When one person bounces, it makes the whole trampoline move and we all bounce to some degree. Subtle energies are not limited by distance. 

Subtle activism is a procedure for taking advantage of this invisible connectedness. It is a way of working with your own subtle energies and spiritual resources to create a clear, clean, positive, vibrant and healthy energy environment that can be a helpful contribution both to people and places in trouble anywhere in the world and to people and places where opportunities exist for something good to arise for the benefit of the world. It can be used as a response to challenging or difficult situations in which people or nature are suffering, or as a way of empowering and boosting the emergence of positive actions and developments that bless the world. 

It is not meant to be, nor can it be, a substitute for physical action where and when such action is possible; rather, it is a complement to what we can do physically, a way of deepening and empowering our physical activism. It recognizes that the world is more than just the matter we can see and touch; it is also a world of thought, feelings, subtle energies, and spirit, a subtle environment that can benefit from our attention and helpfulness as much as can the physical. 

–David Spangler (edited excerpt from Lorian’s Subtle Activism Card Deck manual)

Many people in our society see traditional activism and subtle activism as being mutually exclusive. Some on the more spiritual side might feel that activism is futile without consciousness change and so they choose to focus more on the subtle side of things. Some on the activist side might deride what they feel are futile and self-indulgent “thoughts and prayers,” feeling that the only valid way to change the world is to stop injustice and institute new laws and policies via boots-on-the-ground protest and lobbying.

For the past 13 years, I have been working behind the scenes with Vance Martin, the president of an organization called the WILD Foundation to enhance via subtle activism their on-the-ground, grassroots, national, and global efforts to protect and defend our wild Earth (thus helping our planet stabilize climate change, halt mass extinction, and reducing the likelihood of new pandemics) . We feel it’s now time to share this work with you.

One of the basic tenets of Incarnational Spirituality is that our living planet Gaia is a wholeness comprised of both human and non-human life, and both subtle and physical life, and together we are part of a whole planetary community. Vance and I have repeatedly witnessed how effective this physical-subtle partnership approach to activism can be.

After years of intense but discreet field testing, we’re ready to share some of our successes:

The first project we worked on together was the 2009 WILD Congress in Mexico. It was a challenge with swine flu running rampant, the global economic downturn hitting hard, and the drug lords leaving bodies everywhere. Signups for the congress were way below what was needed to make the event a success. 

After consulting with David Spangler, we decided to work with beings that David whimsically calls “underbuddies.” These are an amazing, very primitive, etheric species of being. They seem to exist in a kind of threshold space between the manifest and unmanifest. What they do is they anchor qualities and energy into a space. So if you've been depressed for a month, they're going to anchor that into your walls, into your furniture and everything. If you meditate every day, they anchor that energy. They don’t have independent agency, they just anchor what's there, for better or for worse, but you can work with them and consciously have them anchor a particular energy into a space. They exist both in an individuated sense within a specific space and there's also an overlighting underbuddy, like a drum skin all across the world, so that you can work with locations at a distance.

Vance would bring me pictures of the Expo Center, a kind of cold metal building in Merida, Mexico where the Congress was going to be held, and we started working with the underbuddies to anchor in love and joy into the space. The signups gradually began to increase and by the time the congress started we ended up with around 1600 people from 65 countries around the world.

President Calderon of Mexico was scheduled to speak on the first night. At the time because of the drug lords, he was the most targeted leader in the world, so he brought 3000 troops, as well as tanks and snipers. Plus there were multiple checkpoints with metal detectors and men with machine guns. There were literally over 1000 people lined up around the building, delayed for over an hour because of all the checkpoints. It would be reasonable to assume that people would be irritated at the long wait to get in, but when Vance went to check on everything, arriving a half hour late himself because of the roadblocks, he was surprised to find an atmosphere of joy and celebration all along the long line of people. Jane Goodall, who also spoke on the first day and had been scheduled to stay for only two days, liked the energy so much she changed her schedule and stayed for the whole week. She said, “The energy here is fabulous. I think I must stay.” This meant a lot coming from a woman who travels more than 300 days a year and is busier than most presidents.

A more recent example:

WILD has been been working for many years now to get acceptance by the U.N. and various government institutions for a policy that we call “Nature Needs Half,” which boils down to the scientifically proven fact that we have to restore nature in a large portion of the planet in order to save life on earth. The institutional response to this proposal up until recently has been that its neither pragmatic nor politically possible. 

Over 11 years, Vance and the team at WILD gathered a large, diverse coalition of mostly NGOs and finally got the opportunity to propose the “Nature Needs Half” policy (known in the jargon as a “motion”) for debate and vote at the next big meeting of a major international conservation organization. This was a big deal because most of the motions from this organization get taken up in the UN conventions or in government policy. It’s the starting place of a lot of international conservation and environmental policy.

Because this is a very large bureaucratic organization that operates in three official languages in over 130 countries, Vance realized that we needed to connect with the overlighting deva of this institution to hopefully be able to come to a sense of consensus with its diverse membership.

He put out a sort of “all points bulletin” to ask the deva of this organization if it would work with us. Its response was startlingly quick, but very neutral–neither friendly nor aggressive. It evidently had never been contacted by humans before, so it was like “What do you want?” 

We entered into dialogue with it and over the course of four to six weeks of regular contact, the energy lightened up considerably and started to become even friendly. Vance was able to introduce it to other members of the institution and other organizations. 

When the time for the gathering came, there were 5000 masked people in person, plus a lot more online. There was a lot of confusion and several negotiating sessions over how to deal with this unusual situation.

When it finally got to the floor, the motion was approved with virtually a bigger majority than any of the others. We were surprised because usually when governments don’t like something, they abstain from voting so as not to be seen as naysayers, but there were only a few abstentions and 87.5% of the governments voted "Yes."

This drove home the fact that inner work and the focus on connection, relationship, love, and curiosity can bring very pragmatic outcomes.

There are a variety of other examples of WILD’s successful combination of subtle and boots-on-the-ground activism. They include areas considered by the UN to be some of the most dangerous places in the world. Yet WILD has counter-poaching units actively patrolling in those locations.

I spend about one to two hours a day every morning doing subtle activism to support various projects, including WILD’s. We have beta tested at large world gatherings and some of the most dangerous areas on the planet and it works. It works for both improving bad situations and for supporting positive situations, and it’s something you can do at any level, from your own home to your neighborhood to anywhere in the world. It takes practice and persistence, but all the tools you need are here within Incarnational Spirituality, thanks to the work of David Spangler.

Here is an episode of the Lorian Podcast that I participated in along with Vance Martin and David Spangler, where we talk about our subtle activism work with WILD.

If you would like to get involved with subtle activism Lorian has several resources to get you started:

The Subtle Activism Card Deck

–My books, The Wonder-Full World of The Home and The Wonder-Full World of The Home: Second Story

–Classes on subtle activism and classes based on my book (see our Class Schedule page for our current offerings)

The Subtle Activism self-directed study course (scroll down the page to find it)

[The book and card deck links above are affiliate links through Lorian may receive a small commission for your purchase at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!]

David's Desk 176

In my last David’s Desk, I offered a prayer for December as we entered the Holiday season and its celebrations of Light. I wish to do the same for January as we enter a new year, filled with possibilities, with challenges, with needs, and with hope.

May this be my prayer each day of this New Year:

May I appreciate this day the presence of love in my world.
May my actions increase this presence.

May I appreciate this day the value of my life and my power to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
May I act with this power.

May I appreciate this day the wonder of the world and all its life.
May my actions serve the wellbeing of this life.

May I appreciate this day Humanity’s efforts to unfold a global awareness that brings peace and nurture to the Earth.
May my actions support this unfoldment.

May the Light of my Soul be present to me this day, and through me, to all whom I meet.

May I make this day a chalice to hold and share the blessings seeking to manifest in my world.

May I make this day a seed of Hope.

Celebrating A Gaian Festival of Light and Wholeness

Freya: “Think like a planet” is a phrase my colleague, David Spangler, used once in an early online class. It was a phrase that struck me: how could one think like a planet, and what would that mean? Intrigued by the thought, I have tried to live into the idea in different ways. Some attempts were too grandiose and caught in mental constructs that lost connection to the soil of experience that could nurture. Some were too tight and gave little scope for expanding possibilities. Feeling my way to that Goldilocks zone of “just right,” I find participation is my key to thinking like a planet.

Lucinda: In my years of celebrating seasonal festivals with families and communities, I learned, not only to “think like a planet,” but to be with the planet, to breathe with the planet, by aligning my daily life with the earth’s seasonal cycles and rhythms in nature, and in the land where I lived. Now, my body, heart and soul naturally participate, as Freya says, with the planet. In celebrating the festival gateways of the year with others, and in communion with the seen and unseen realms of life, we come to know Gaia as a living breathing being, one whose inhaling and exhaling breath creates the seasons of our lives, both physically and spiritually. The festival gateways–especially the Solstices and Equinoxes, celebrated by all cultures–become invitations and opportunities for us to remember our place, and our steps in Gaia’s dance.

Freya: Gaia’s essential being is reflected in the seasons, revealing itself in a seed as it sprouts and grows, flowering, and dying back so that its seeds can scatter to the wind to renew its life. Celebrating the seasons of the year is a natural and accessible way to appreciate, to align with and to participate in the planet’s life. Through the earth’s yearly rhythms, we touch the depths, heights and breadth of Gaia’s soul-in-action. The seasonal regenerative rhythms of earth’s life are the energy that powers our world’s thinking.

So, to think like a planet, with its global life cycles of expansion and contraction, we need to acknowledge and work with the reality of Wholeness–that the earth is always mirroring and balancing the cycles of life and death, increasing and decreasing light. When we are celebrating the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere, folks in the summer hemisphere are celebrating the Summer Solstice. Both are Festivals of Light. So how can we create a Gaian Festival of Light, one that celebrates this balance of forces, this mirroring and Wholeness at the heart of our planet’s experience?

Lucinda: It is helpful to live into an experience of Gaia’s Breath as a way of exploring Gaian and planetary ways of celebrating the Solstices and the Equinoxes. Gaia’s Breath can be seen as a unifying force that weaves the world together. In December, in the northern hemisphere, Gaia is breathing in. As that breath contracts, the leaves fall from the trees, the seeds drop into her waiting hands, the days grow colder, and the darkness deepens. The Winter Solstice marks the time of Gaia’s greatest in-breath and her time of attentive listening and awakening, in the deep stillness, in the close and holy darkness time of the year. Gaia wakes up, as the Sun “stands still.” (Solstice means the Sun “Sol” standing still).

In the southern hemisphere, the Summer Solstice marks Gaia’s greatest out-breath. As Gaia breathes out through the spring and early summer days, the life force of her breath buds out the branches, raises the sap, brings blossom and flowers into being. And at Summer Solstice, Gaia once again pauses, stands still ( metaphorically) with the Sun. Some say that at this point, the earth falls into slumber, weary after all her work of creation, and that the abundant beauty and richness of the harvest are the earth’s dreams made manifest.

These two pictures of Gaia’s breath bring our experience of the two Solstice festivals into a mirrored alignment, a Wholeness we can celebrate together.

Freya and Lucinda: This December, in honor of both the Winter and Summer Solstices, we invite you to consider creating a Spiral of Light that you and your family and friends can use in a ritual and meaningful way. The Spiral is a well-known and beloved ritual for honoring Winter Festivals in the northern hemisphere. We thought that if folks in the southern hemisphere also created a Spiral of Light, in honor of the Summer Solstice, and people from both hemispheres walked their spirals at the same time–walking into the Darkness for Winter, and out of the Light for Summer–we would be mirroring the Earth’s breath and rhythms, and weaving ourselves together in celebration.

Room-size or table-top, or created outside in our garden, the spirals we create can be gifts to our homes, and to our land and environment. They can serve as a sacred focal point–an invitation to our local nature spirits, house angels, genius loci of land, unseen allies and companions to join us in celebration of our Gaian home.

So please consider joining us, in whatever ways feel right to you, this holiday season. We will be “thinking like, breathing with, being part of our beloved planet Gaia.” We will be “celebrating like a planet,“ forging a new Gaian Festival of Light and Wholeness together.

David's Desk 175 The Presence of Light

This is the month when, in one form or another, we celebrate Light: its presence, its return, its wonder, and its miracles in our lives. My “Desk” this month comes in the form of a prayer on all our behalf.

May we know the Light that is eternally within us.
May we be that Light to the world.
May we know the Light within all the life around us.
May we serve that Light that all may thrive.
May we know the Light that yet seeks to unfold.
May we be its unfolding that our tomorrows may be blessed.
May Light be Present in who we are, where we are, and in all that we do.
May we celebrate the Presence of Light.

However you celebrate this December, may your life be enriched with blessing and with joy. I will see you again in 2022. A Happy New Year to you!