David's Desk 176

In my last David’s Desk, I offered a prayer for December as we entered the Holiday season and its celebrations of Light. I wish to do the same for January as we enter a new year, filled with possibilities, with challenges, with needs, and with hope.

May this be my prayer each day of this New Year:

May I appreciate this day the presence of love in my world.
May my actions increase this presence.

May I appreciate this day the value of my life and my power to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
May I act with this power.

May I appreciate this day the wonder of the world and all its life.
May my actions serve the wellbeing of this life.

May I appreciate this day Humanity’s efforts to unfold a global awareness that brings peace and nurture to the Earth.
May my actions support this unfoldment.

May the Light of my Soul be present to me this day, and through me, to all whom I meet.

May I make this day a chalice to hold and share the blessings seeking to manifest in my world.

May I make this day a seed of Hope.