David's Desk #202

David's Desk is my opportunity to share thoughts and tools for the spiritual journey. These letters are my personal insights and opinions and do not necessarily reflect the sentiments or thoughts of any other person in Lorian or of Lorian as a whole. If you wish to share this letter with others, please feel free to do so; however, the material is ©2024 by David Spangler.

To See the World with Love

When I attune to the angelic realms of Light, I have often received the following message:

If you could see the world as we see it, we would be better able to work with you.

It has to do with resonance. The greater the resonance between two beings, the deeper and more effective the partnership or collaboration can be between them. This is true for us in the physical world. It’s even more true for beings in the subtle dimensions. Put in human terms, if you and I share the same perspective on the world, we can work more closely and easily together than if our perspectives are different or even in opposition. If I say the world is a good place and you say it is a fallen, evil place, then at some point our ways of understanding and engaging the world are going to diverge.

It also has to do with love. In the angelic realms, love is an essential mode of being and doing.  They bring love to the world. But this is not true for us. We can love the world, but for many of us, the world is not a lovable place. It is a place of challenge, of difficulty, of suffering, even of darkness. We look out at the world and see conflict and violence; we see injustice and oppression; we see damage and destruction. We see a world that is imperfect and at times, broken, particularly in its human aspects. The angels can see this, too; they are not blind to human dysfunctions and suffering. But this is not the nature of the world they see. The world they see is one of Light.

Is the angelic perspective more real than the one that we have? Do they have a truer grasp on the nature of things than we do? A mystic would likely say yes. But in my experience, the angelic realms are not denying the reality of the world as we see it; at least, they are not denying that it is real to us and therefore the world with which we are dealing. As I said, they are not oblivious to human suffering nor the challenges that face us. But—and this is a subtle point—they aresaying that they could work more closely and in greater resonance with us if we also saw the world as they do. They are inviting us to participate in a shared awareness of the world as a manifestation of Light. By sharing in this perception, a resonance is created between us that strengthens the bonds through which they can partner and work with us.          

When I am in touch with the angelic layer of consciousness, I am aware of the sacredness, the beauty, the wonder of the world, and I am filled with love for the earth and all within it. As a result, my life becomes a clearer conduit for their blessing. Put simply, an angel can work more closely with someone who loves and rejoices in the world as they do, seeing it as a manifestation of the sacred.

One does not have to have psychic or subtle perceptions to see the world with eyes of love.  Partnership with angels is not limited to a select few. Also, one doesn’t have to deny or ignore the suffering and broken aspects of our world. These things call out to our compassion and our efforts towards wholeness and healing, just as they do for the angels. But it is a powerful act of resonance with the spiritual worlds to open our hearts and minds to choose to hold love for the world and to see the beauty of life within it. From such a choice, blessings can flow and the presence of angels made closer than before.

The world calls for a partnership between human and angels that can bring healing to the Earth. It is within our ability to expand our vision and our love to make it so.