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Big Mysteries, Small Bites - Healthy Boundaries

Healthy Boundaries – Strengthening our Resilience of Self in a Highly Interactive World

with Freya Secrest

Deepening our sacred identity


Thursday, april 3 - 10

Big Mysteries, Small Bites are 10-day sessions focused on nurturing small seeds of awareness and attention. These seeds, when planted and tended through our daily choices and activities, invite us to know ourselves more fully and grow transformational changes in our world.


It is challenging to maintain our boundaries of self in the increasingly crowded fields of relationship we live in. We interact daily with wider and wider world communities through the internet and social media. We navigate rapidly changing natural environmental patterns with unexpected weather events and balance fluctuating norms in personal relationships and safety. What is the nature of the boundaries that can best serve us as we seek to weave resilience, balance and health in our lives?

Incarnational Spirituality suggests that by deepening our roots of identity in our sacredness we bring the resources and resilience needed to be able to define ourselves and meet and engage our world safely, joyfully from the fullness of our whole self. But how does such a boundary function?

Our own skin is a natural place to observe effective qualities to guide boundaries defined by identity rather than boundaries defined by walls.

As a boundary, a skin outlines our unique form in the world. It separates but does not isolate because it has the capacity to breathe, to absorb and give out. It allows us to touch the world and the world to touch us. It functions to protect and communicate. As a physical place of intersection and engagement it serves to enliven and regenerate. As a boundary it defines, connects and fosters our relationships with our world.

Healthy personal boundaries, whether physical, energetic, emotional or mental function similarly. They help us to keep our connections with ourselves, with others and with the world clear, refreshed, and nourished. We are able to listen and speak out, to touch and be touched, to learn and grow. Our boundaries connect us with the wholeness of life.

Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes.
— Walt Whitman, Song of Myself

class format & schedule

This ten-day class will deepen your sense of connection in sacredness and from that center draw on practices that can help you navigate your world with presence and resourcefulness.

We will explore identity as a skin that allows us to define and connect and offer practices to help in creating boundaries that honor wholeness in yourself and the life around you.

Big Mysteries, Small Bites will be held on our online education site, where participants have 24/7 access to online discussions, class materials and webinar recordings. This class includes:

  • Exercise practice

  • Downloadable resources

  • Opportunity for facilitated online discussion, questions and answers

  • Three live 90-minute Class Webinar sessions on Zoom. Live webinars held at 12 noon Pacific time - [click here to find your time zone]

    - Thursday, April 3

    - Sunday, April 6

    - Thursday, April 10

  • All sessions will be recorded


Please Note: Your registration in a Lorian class confirms your commitment to uphold Agreements of Confidentiality and mutual respect which govern the spirit, the intent, and the practice of our education experience together.

Click here to read Lorian’s Covenant of Confidentiality

Registration - $75

Presented by Freya Secrest

Freya is a spiritual mentor, priest, administrator and adult educator. Her love of travel took her to the Findhorn Foundation community in the early 1970s where she discovered a deep fellowship with the inner worlds of nature. Returning to the US, she became a founding member of the Lorian Association and continues her collaborative work with subtle worlds in her own home garden and in Fellowship attunements.

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