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July 2024

embracing Our Personality

with Julia Spangler

honoring and embracing our personality

THURSDAY, july 18



This webinar is focused on the nature of the personality as part of our whole self, not as something that separates us from the soul. 

To gain a sense of this, the exercise will lead you to stand in your spiritual center and see the personality, both what you value and also what you disown, inviting that self - good and not - into the spiritual circle of your wholeness.

You are not your personality. You are so much more! And you have a choice where to seat your identity - in the limited perception of nature and history or in the more expansive perception of your spirit. 

There is joy in the act of incarnating, and the personality is an essential part of the nature of incarnation. It is the interface between your soul and the world. When you can stand in your whole self, accepting your personality self as valuable, you are able to redirect your personality's automatic reactions into a more holistic expression, becoming a voice for the love and compassion that you seek to be in the world.

Presenter: Julia Spangler

Julia Spangler is the President of the Board of the Lorian Association. She is a Lorian Priest and teaches online classes for Lorian as well as Parenting classes for local preschool parents. She lived at the Findhorn community in Scotland for two years where she met her husband, David, and the others with whom she co-founded Lorian.

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