2025 lorian immersion program
Living the Gaian Adventure
James Tousignant, Timothy Hass, Kate McGhee
*with support from David Spangler, Maryn Spangler and Lorian Faculty
Let love transform your inner landscape, and step into the role humanity has always intended to take with Gaia
february 11 - December 16 2025
Prerequisite: completion of the Lorian Core class series, or request an interview with facilitators
Each year, Lorian offers a year-long immersion program. Our 2025 program will meet weekly and bring the participants into a deep embodiment of Incarnational Spirituality principles - loving and wise partnership with the world around you; service and responsibility to and within that world; an interwoven sense of your own sovereignty, identity, boundaries, and relationships to the wholeness of the world.
Incarnational Spirituality is not simply a teaching, but a way of life; one that deepens and grows within us and benefits from the time and practice that allows it to do so.
Lorian’s Core Program is designed to awaken the seeds of your deep and sacred individuality; the Immersion Program is designed to water and nourish those seeds so that they take healthy root within you and bloom more fully.
“Gaia is evolving.
Where Gaia goes,
I go.”
This is the guiding heart-light of our 2025 Immersion Program, Living the Gaian Adventure. Join us on a journey like no other!
We look around at the planet and we can see the damage a thoughtless, disconnected humanity has done. However, it would be a grave mistake to allow that thoughtlessness to define us. We are far more than our mistakes. We simply need to remember the original impulse and love that drew us to dance with Gaia in the first place.
To be human is to have fallen in love with Gaia and followed her into incarnation. To be human is to walk hand in hand with our planetary soul, supporting each other in our emergence. To be human is to be an important and valued partner on the path of planetary evolution.
Humanity plays a unique role in our Gaian ecology. We are bridges, spanning both the incarnate material realms and the subtle and spiritual realms. We are synthesizers and transformers of energy. We are portals through which newness enters into the fabric of our world. Through our creative agency, we have the ability to weave new patterns of wholeness. But we need to learn to weave those patterns through and with love!
In Living the Gaian Adventure, we are remembering the call of Gaia. We are remembering the role and the service that humanity is uniquely situated to perform. We are stepping forward as dependable and co-creative partners at a time of heightened evolutionary need and global change.
As a guiding light on our path, we have David Spangler’s new book, Partnering with Spirit. Through this book, David inspires the exploration of our core human function, our individual unique gifts, and the creation of partnerships with the subtle and spiritual realms. Not just any kind of partnerships, but those of a particular kind and purpose; partnerships designed to serve Gaia, humanity, and our expanded ecology at this pivotal moment of ecstatic transformation.
In this experiential immersion program, you will be:
• realizing and living into your personal Anwa, your gift, your sacred identity
• exploring the unique role that you play in the Gaian ecology
• expanding your capacity to love through evolving practice, experience, and perspectives of the life around us
• weaving new patterns of wholeness through co-creative partnerships with subtle and spiritual beings, in service and support of Gaia’s emergence
Let love transform your inner landscape, discover and stand in your Anwa, and step into the role humanity has always intended to take - on this Gaian Adventure.
program format
Living the Gaian Adventure immersion program will be held on Lorian’s online education site, lorianeducation.com.
Download this PDF for helpful information about the program.
Program registration options
$2200 one-time payment
$200 per month for 11 months
Scholarships are available. Contact Susan at susans@lorian.org.
Please Note: Your registration in a Lorian class or program confirms your commitment to uphold Agreements of Confidentiality and mutual respect which govern the spirit, the intent, and the practice of our education experience together.
Timothy Hass, MS, is an ordained Lorian priest, faculty member, and member of the Lorian Board. Currently a trustee of the WILD Foundation, Timothy has for the past 15 years engaged subtle allies on behalf of WILD Projects globally. He was a Rehabilitation Psychologist for outpatient psychiatric programs for 23 years.
James Tousignant, PhD, is an ordained Lorian priest, faculty, and Board member. His passions are paddling, spiritual research, exploring the subtle realms, and embodying the teachings and practices of Incarnational Spirituality. He has a private practice providing guidance and support to individuals waking up and remembering the reason they came to this world.
Kate McGhee is a lover of Incarnational Spirituality, finding joy and meaning in embracing and exploring the living universe more deeply each day. She lights up from wandering any art museum, dancing to live music, and making and seeing theater. You can find her working outside in the garden, or inside, delving into the study and practice of spiritual healing.
Visit our Policies page for information on late registration, refunds and privacy, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for more information about our online classes.