Vitalize Hope
Your Time on Earth Is Sacred
We believe spirituality isn’t about denying your body or your humanity — it’s about grounding deeper into the rich, fertile experience of life! The Lorian Association is dedicated to exploring and teaching that incarnation itself is a sacred process.
For over 50 years, Lorian has been developing a field of work and embodiment called Incarnational Spirituality. This work is transforming how people experience themselves and the world they live in.
No matter where you come from or what your experience is, we invite you to join us in exploring the light within life! Check out our classes, books, and self-directed studies. We’re here to help you discover yourself, the world around you, and your place within it through brand new eyes.
Feel more nourished, inspired and enchanted by your life!

“Lorian is just the BEST, real people, practical teachings that help guide us in navigating all the monumental planetary issues we are all facing.”
Do you remember who you are?
You are a unique and intrinsically valuable expression of the Sacred Mystery. Within you is a creative generativity and light that is a blessing to the world around you. You are a sovereign being, with choice and agency in how you engage with the world. You are inherently sacred.
Woven within each class offered in Lorian is an invitation into a gentle yet powerful shift of identity; a loving remembrance of your true essence and who you came here to be.
Come experience it for yourself.
You belong to a world that is more than meets the eye — a whole ecology that is physical, yes, but also energetic and spiritual. How wondrous is that!
In Lorian, we explore ways to be good neighbors and creative partners in a living universe — with each other, with Gaia, with nature, with Spirit, and with the vast, unseen ecosystems of which we are a part.
Whether it’s partnering with the Devas in your garden, fostering love in a hospital waiting room, or cultivating your home as a lighthouse of blessing, there are countless ways for you to be a wise and creative ally in the world.
Connect to the richness of life around you!
Humanity is suffering from a pandemic of hopelessness.
And yet, we all have the innate capacity to be agents of positive change.
To help foster this capacity, Lorian offers practical and innovative tools to awaken your fiery hope and help you hold your center as you engage with a world undergoing a turbulent transition.
We invite you to join with the Lorian community, a vibrant and welcoming group of individuals dedicated heart and soul to making a difference in the world and envisioning a future that works for all of us!

“I have felt so comforted and at home with the Lorian community because it’s a spirituality that helps me feel more in my body and more in touch with the magic of life. Lorian teaches us that we are not exiled on this earth — we’re here for a beautiful reason, with a beautiful purpose, and that has touched my heart.”
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