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The Spectrum of Love Exploration

The Spectrum of Love

an EXPLORATION with Julia Spangler

bringing a deeper Experience of Love into our lives


October 3 - 23 2024

In this three-week class, we will focus on the transformational power of Love to open our awareness and hearts to the possibilities of embracing others and ourselves in wholeness.

All of the world religions and wise ones teach that to love is the goal and fulfillment of spirit. And it is common to find that it is not always easy to love everyone and everything in life. The world is full of creepy crawly things that may make your skin crawl. When you are told to love all creatures great and small, these feelings of repulsion can make this request a challenge. When you fall short in meeting that challenge, you may feel guilt for failing to love.

Guilt only makes the situation worse because then you fail to love yourself. “I must not be a spiritual person if I can’t love this creature, difficult colleague, neighbor, sibling, or that murderer, or the other politician, or even that spider.” 

The Spectrum of Love is a practice that introduces love as not a great leap into full-on oneness, but as a graded process – a dimmer switch – where we can start with the smallest step and intentionally turn it up bit by bit until we are feeling the full radiance of love within ourselves, able to love that difficult obstacle, and find it is no longer an obstacle.

As you are part of a living ecology, both physical and subtle, the way you interact with your world has an impact. If you can act with love, you gift that love to your world. You make a difference. You have an impact.

Loving all that is around you also includes loving yourself and is likely the most difficult challenge. Loving yourself is not about ego, but it is about owning all you are and allowing spirit to fill all parts of you. This happens through loving and honoring your incarnational ‘envelope,’ the body and self that holds your wholeness.

We decry separation, and it certainly has its destructive aspects, but it’s also a sacred gift allowing us to experience ourselves in ways that would be difficult otherwise. Even more, it allows us to experience the act of willing (i.e. giving intention to creating) connectedness and wholeness, rather than just experiencing it as a given.
If I feel separate from you, there is no guarantee I’m going to feel or act in a loving way towards you. To do so, I have to go beyond myself, will myself into your shoes, transcending a boundary that in the subtle realms I don’t encounter in that way. It is a powerful learning and a great gift to have the opportunity to develop a “will to love” as a muscle for future use.
— David Spangler

Class Description

The Spectrum of Love is a practice designed to develop that “will to love muscle” to serve your best intentions for your future. It brings to your attention the ways in which you can open the doors of love where you feel love does not flow easily.

The first half of our exploration will focus on learning the process of opening the door to love. The second half will direct the process toward loving the self.

I love teaching this class as I am privileged to bear witness to student participants experiencing a release of constriction in a particular part of their lives – constriction caused by feelings of separation or disconnection from others which is released when a sliver of re-connection is found through this simple practice. Often broken relationships find a way to begin to heal. There is joy and flow when these habits of separation are bridged with new habits of connection through loving! 
— Julia Spangler

Come join me and discover ways you can enhance the many flows of love in your life.

Format and schedule

The Spectrum of Love Exploration is presented on our online education site,, powered by Ruzuku. Class materials and discussions are available 24/7 in the online classroom which includes written and audio exercises that are presented step-by-step, building upon each other. All webinar sessions are recorded and available to download for your personal use. The class materials are stored indefinitely in your personal Learning Library.

The class begins with the standard Incarnational Spirituality practice of Standing - feeling the power, freedom, and presence emerging from alignment with your inner being. This provides support for the intent to love more fully. When you are holding love for that which is in your world, you become a source of uplift within the subtle fields around you offering love to those around you and also imbuing yourself with love.

The Course includes:

  • Daily written lessons, with exercises to give a focus and embodied experience of the lessons

  • Facilitated online discussion and dialogue with fellow students; shared discoveries and insights which enrich each other’s class experience

  • Four live and recorded webinar sessions where experiences and insights can be shared. Webinar sessions are scheduled as follows:

    • Saturdays - October 5, 12, 19 at 11:00 am Pacific

    • Tuesday - October 22 at 5:00 pm Pacific


Please Note: Your registration in a Lorian class confirms your commitment to uphold Agreements of Confidentiality and mutual respect which govern the spirit, the intent, and the practice of our education experience together.

Click here to read Lorian’s Covenant of Confidentiality

Registration $150

Scholarships are available. Contact if you are interested in a scholarship or have questions about this class.

Class Facilitator: Julia Spangler

Julia is passionate about music, humor, good science fiction, and the natural beauty of the world and all the beings who inhabit it.  As a Parenting teacher, she delights in seeing parents discover playful ways to redirect their interactions with their children into more successful pathways.  As a Certified Counselor, her focus is on the ways we can, with insight, redirect our behavior more constructively.  She is a founding member of Lorian, beginning her spiritual work at the Findhorn Community by developing the guest program and singing with The New Troubadours. She is ordained as a Lorian minister. She loves human ingenuity, artistic expression and ideas which shake the mind out of unexamined patterns of thinking.

Presence Courses are shorter online classes focused on a key practice or principle of Incarnational Spirituality. Classes are designed to deepen your experience of a particular practice so that you can work with it more effectively in your life, and develop an approach that engages your physical, mental, emotional and energetic connections with the world through love and reflective perception.

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for more information on our online classes, and our Policies page for information on late registration, refunds and privacy.

Earlier Event: September 26
2024 Internet Incarnation